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Tick magnet


I pulled 21 ticks off of me this weekend and 5 were already making a lunch outta my arm. Does anyone have a good way of keeping ticks off???
the only thing that i have come up with is to stay in the house. besides that, if you figure something out let me know. Those damn things get everywhere.
i wear lightweight polypropelene all spring regardless of weather. tuck the bottoms into socks, get a "tall" top with long sleeves and tuck it into the pants, wear gloves and bug spray.

my best advice would be to tag out in first season.
I have used Repel Permanone with decent success. Do not apply to the skin though. It doesn't totally eliminate the darn things, but it cuts down the number that you will have on you at the end of the day. I spray it quite liberally on my pant legs in particular.
After all of the turkey hunting i've done this year, I've only found 1 tick on me! I just tuck my pant legs in, and try not to exspose any skin!

But now I have a question for every one. Well its about that one tick I found, which was last sunday night on my tricept of my left arm. Don't know how long he was there, Im guessing all day. Well it took forever to pull the sucker out, but I got him. Well 3 days later, there is a bump there, and it itches like crazy most of the time. The area around it is alittle red, but that might be just from itching. Should I be concerned about this? I've looked on the net for symptoms of lyme disease, but I don't have any of those, and the bump doesn't look like lyme disease. What do you guys think?

Thanks and good hunting
you might have pulled the body off but the head might still be inside of you. I would probably get it looked at.
hurts like the dickens but burn em off, i peel em off than light a stick match and blow it out and place the hot wood to the bitten area stings for a second but should heel you

I looked at the tick after I pulled it out, and its head was still on him.

use some rubbing alcohol on the spot for a few times a day for a few days, probably just infected. but you may want to visit the doctor just to be sure. if you have the tick still i'd take it with me. soudns like if you could see him it was a normal old wood tick and not a deer tick.

God, all this damn tick talk has got my skin crawlin...
was it a deer tick or wood tick? I thought only deer ticks could give you lyme disease? if it were a wood tick i wouldnt worry about it
I agree with LittleJ that you probably pulled the body off and left the head in. It wouldn't hurt to have it looked at, though I believe Lyme disease is rarely found around here.

I always carry a book of matches in my daypack in case a tick gets embedded in my skin. Touched with the hot tip, they will release, so that no body parts are left behind. Also a good idea to stick the tick on a piece of tape for future testing if necessary.

I've worn a 'rhinoskin suit' the last couple of years with much success...not the most comfortable thing, but it seems to work.
How can you tell the diffrence between a wood tick and a deer tick?? I did notice that some of the ones I found on me were bigger than others.
My daughter used to have really long hair< she got one on the back of her head that didn't get noticed until it had grown a little bit. I took her to the doctor because she had a bump where ther the tick was and two more in a straight line below it. He said that a wood tick secretes something that causes limp nodes to swell up., but not to wrry about it unless they got worse. It took close to a year for the bumps to go away. She got a hair cut the next day. I hate ticks.
If in doubt go see the doctor. When I was in college playing baseball we had to do some work around the field one day cleaning brush and other weed along the bleachers. I went home for the weekend and notice a tick on the top of my foot and pulled if off not thinking anything about it. There was a little red spot where the tick was but like I said I just did not think anything about it. Went back to the campus and thought everything was cool. Later on that week my foot had started turning yellow, blue, purple, you name it my foot looked like it had every color you could think of. I called my mother and told her and she said she would call the doctor. Had a game that day and looked at the line-up and I was finally getting to start my first game and came back from the dressing room with a line through my name and at the bottom of the roster and it said to call home 911. Needless to say I was pissed but comes to find out the doctor said he thought I had the beginnign stages of lyme disease. Had to take medication for several months to clean out the system. Sorry for a long story but again if it starts to change colors I would definitely get it checked out.
...hey, guys, I would be careful with the burning of ticks...I have heard that they not only will let go when they are burned off but they also will regurgitate (puke) before doing so...this means that you run a higher risk of something nasty getting in your system (lyme, rocky mtn fever, etc.)...
Besides burning them off what else can you do? I have heard that salt or rubbing alcohol will take care of them... any others?
You can suffocate them with vegetable oil. I've done that to get them off dogs. You just smother oil all around their head and they can't get any air. After a few minutes they back out and you can pull them off easily.
Build a nice camp fire, stick your hunting knife in it 'till red hot, press against skin where varmit is, until you pass out, go to emergency room for 3rd degree burn and you're all done with the ticks also good for snake bites, not snow snakes that requires real whiskey to cure
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