yup I here ya. I'm thinking about having my bean plots harvested this year. I bet I could make a decent little income.
The info posted above has changed dramatically in the last 4 years and I feel is going to continue to get that way. There are still alot of farmers up this way that are conservation minded, but like you said, greed is a powerful thing and we'll see how long that lasts.
BTW, can I sit on your corn plot during late muzz? :drink2:
I have standing corn & beans and I don't want to post how much $ is gonna be gobbled up by deer. Just one acre of corn by me is $1,000+ per acre sitting there, OUCH!
Remember, things going crazy, this has ALWAYS happened.... How about tech stocks that started around $3 per share, got all the way up to $150..... People went crazy for 3-4 years, made lots of $.... What happened.... All went in the crapper!!! How about my buddy's buying tons of houses to flip.... Especially some folks I know in CA- those places were making them $50k a piece in 3 months... It was going CRAZY... What happened?!?!? CRASHED and burned. How many times have you seen the stock market get to record highs and a year later spiral downward. "Be cautious when others are greedy and greedy when others are cautious". Record gold prices, land, etc. If we looked back 100 years at ANYTHING, you could find countless examples of greed, sky-rocketing prices and spiral down trends. No one knows for sure what's going to happen with land. NO ONE, you might have some good ideas... Like me, I wouldn't be buying ag ground right now BUT that's me and I could be wrong, I just don't buy things at record high's, I'd rather buy at record lows. FACT: we are still at considerably discounted REC ground prices on the other hand VS 3-4 years ago. I wish I could buy more of that today!!