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Timber Programs


Active Member
Are there any programs you can put a piece of land in that is strictly timber. My father just purchased some ground and didn't know for sure if there is any out there that any of you are familiar. Thanks
Are there any programs you can put a piece of land in that is strictly timber. My father just purchased some ground and didn't know for sure if there is any out there that any of you are familiar. Thanks

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You can enroll in the Forest Reserve so he won't have to pay taxes on whatever is enrolled.
He can also contact your District Forester for other programs that may be helpful as far as managing the timber.

Check this link...scroll to the bottom for all the details on Forest Reserve.

The Govt has WHIP funds available (wildlife habitat improvement program) for improving the quality of the timber for wildlife. Applications must be received in Des Moines by March 3. It is a 60/40 split paying either $100 or $150 per acre and you can do the work your self or hire it out. You can get the forms at the local NRCS office. If approved, the District Forester will provide a management plan for your timber. According to our District Forester, you have three years to complete the work.
Contact your local NRCS ( Natural Resource Conservation Service) in your area. Is there a water source on the area? If so then you can sign up for a Riperium Buffer which goes out from the bank of your water source 180 ft. It is a 90% cost share program and pays you around $85/acres if in for 15 yrs. They also give you a little over $100/acre upfront to help with the planting and tree buying process. Only bad thing is that you have to pay all items upfront and then submit for your cost share to kick in.
Contact your local NRCS ( Natural Resource Conservation Service) in your area. Is there a water source on the area? If so then you can sign up for a Riperium Buffer which goes out from the bank of your water source 180 ft. It is a 90% cost share program and pays you around $85/acres if in for 15 yrs. They also give you a little over $100/acre upfront to help with the planting and tree buying process. Only bad thing is that you have to pay all items upfront and then submit for your cost share to kick in.

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Here's a link to good information on that program...hard to beat!

There are people around that will do your TSI labor, spray, & submit paperwork for you for $100/acre. So out of pocket is $25. I did most of mine myself, it is a great program and now 5 years later I am seeing more benefit all the time. Getting this done right is a tough job and I can think of easier ways to make a buck. I've got the chainsaw scar on my knee to prove it.
Thanks alot for the info guys, I appreciate it. At least I know where to start to get in the right direction.
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