I'm of the opinion they should set it at the half hour point in-between and leave it alone.
I'm hunting this week so I won't pay attention to the clock anyway, my schedule will be dictated by the sun.
Back in March 2022 the Senate passed unanimously to stay with Day light saving time. The House has not taken up the bill to vote on it as of this point. I sure hope that next year at this time it does not change..........
I'll chime in from the other side and say I personally like the time change. As far as hunting goes I like getting things going earlier and I like being home in time for dinner and time with Family or friends. I also like that if I'm trying to get out for a hunt after work it means I need to leave early. The extra hour of fishing time that comes in the summer after work is nice too.
There are more people then ever complaining about it so expect it will change at some point.
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