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Tis the season for shed poaching!

Drones will be part of the solution to trespassing. The thermal poaching issue is going to continue to be an issue and will get worse. A friend who owns land in Ohio was telling me how many "Hunters" he know that have switched there crossbow scopes to thermal for sitting on there corn piles well after legal shooting time
The thought of that being common makes me want to puke! And it will be damn near impossible to catch.
Buddy said he saw drones over his place after dark a couple times last fall. Next thing, he’s getting calls and visits for permission to hunt. His son ended up getting a 200+ so it’s seems pretty obvious they were using them to scout.
I ran into 4 guys from Wisconsin today. As I was talking to 2 of them, one of the other guys in their party comes up with a buck head that he found and cut off. After questioning them and wishing them luck, I walked my property down to the creek and found out it was on my property. I then left them a note on their vehicle telling them the buck they cut the head off was not on the guys property they had permission on, but was on mine and to please respect the property lines. I will also be talking to the neighboring land owner about this. I hope me leaving the note lets them know they are being watched. First time, accident….next time I will not be so nice.
I ran into 4 guys from Wisconsin today. As I was talking to 2 of them, one of the other guys in their party comes up with a buck head that he found and cut off. After questioning them and wishing them luck, I walked my property down to the creek and found out it was on my property. I then left them a note on their vehicle telling them the buck they cut the head off was not on the guys property they had permission on, but was on mine and to please respect the property lines. I will also be talking to the neighboring land owner about this. I hope me leaving the note lets them know they are being watched. First time, accident….next time I will not be so nice.

I‘m thinking a salvage tag is needed for the complete head. That’s what we’re told around here.
If they actually contact the DNR they should be asked where they found the deer and the landowner has to give prmission for them to keep it. You could report them to your conservation officer.
Had about 10/12 miles I wanted to shed hunt this weekend. All prime riverbottom stuff.
Had it all planned out. Last weeks warm spell broke up the river ice enuff it was not safe to cross, (which I would have to do many times).
And yes, I had permission :p

Dammit..., had high hopes.
Never would have thought ice out would be this early.
" F" global warming. Lol.
Found 4 on what little I could get to.
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