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Tom Litchfield


Life Member

Several weeks ago maybe even a month ago I made some less than kind remarks towards Tom Litchfield in one of the threads on this website.

I received several private messages from IW members asking what I had against Tom Litchfield. I didn’t answer them back; frankly I didn’t think it was any of their business. I wish I had listened to them.

Sometime later I received an email from Mr. Litchfield asking me about the alleged conversations that had transpired between the two of us. He explained he had two years of emails stored and no record of my ever contacting him.

As many of you know I am very proactive at contacting state legislatures, DNRC, Conservation Officers, etc. about issues/proposed bills pertaining to deer hunting and wildlife in general.

For what ever reason I have saved all of the emails that I have sent and received, in a cardboard box.

I immediately began searching through the hundreds of emails that I have stored away; for I remembered the emails very well that I had gotten back and why I was upset with the reply in them.

After reading almost every email I am happy to say that I finally found the emails that I was searching for……………..I am mortified to tell you that I made a terrible mistake.

The emails in question were not sent to Tom Litchfield. They were addressed to someone else in the Department of Natural Resources out of the Des Moines office.

I can only tell you how very sorry I am for my defamatory remarks towards Mr. Litchfield. This has been a humbling experience for me, one that I will not soon forget.

I have sent Mr. Litchfield an email explaining the circumstances to him and asking him to please forgive my mistakes.

I can only hope that he will accept my apology?


Ron Wyllie

A very good friend of mine once said: "It really sucks to take the moral high ground and then realize that you're wrong." It takes a good, big-hearted man to realize, admit, and apologize for being wrong. Big Karma points (of the good kind) coming your way!
While the circumstances are unfortunate, I think that outcome speaks highly of both of you. Credit to Mr. Litchfield for politely confronting you v. how 95% of the rest of the people would have likely ignored and/or mishandled it.

Credit to you for being a man and admitting your mistake, publicly no less, and correcting things with Mr. Litchfield.

I trust that if he has enough character to approach you after a public "flogging" and try to make sense of the situation that he has more than enough character to accept your genuine apology.

It just so happens that I sat next to Mr. Litchfield during lunch Saturday, other than that, I do not know the man, but he sure seemed like a good fellow and I think you can clear it up with him. Good luck!
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Takes a big man to make that post and apology. Quite certain your apology will be accepted.

I agree! I think it's pretty awesome to acknowledge the mistake and ask forgivness Ron! :way:

It just so happens that I sat next to Mr. Litchfield during lunch Saturday, other than that, I do not know the man, but he sure seemed like a good fellow and I think you can clear it up with him. Good luck!

I sat right across from Tom so as I could look him right in the eye while wolfing down a quite tasty lunch and...I agree with Dave, very nice fellow who nonetheless has a tough job to do.

He had the facts and was well aware of the problems and issues and reminded us all of a few small details we tend to forget...;)
I agree with all above. Takes a big man to admit his mistakes and ask forgiveness. We have all been there and I think you handled the situation honorably and with class.
Hey Ron. As long you two are all kissy face
now maybe it would be a good time to invite him to this site so he could share his thoughts and we could share ours as well.
Great post Ron...I am encouraged by your boldness to ask forgiveness publicly. The only thing I have to add to what everyone has already said is that only one man was perfect... ;)

Thanks for sharing - takes a big man to do that.
maybe it would be a good time to invite him to this site so he could share his thoughts and we could share ours as well.

This would be a good idea! I talked to Tom for an hour last week, I will send him an invite, but a few others should as well!

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