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Tom Roles


Watched an episode of the Crush the other night. Tom Roles was the guest hunter for the episode with his wife I believe.

Been kind of driving me a little batty as I cant think of why I should know who he is. Does he have his own hunting show or something? Not sure why It matters, just one of those things where I spent a half hour on google trying to figure out why I knew him but couldn't come up with it.
Wealthy businessman in Telecommunications. Has been CEO of multiple communication companies.. ?

Not sure if that helps...

Probably has invested in land with Lee if I was guessing.........
maybe it is just one of those deals where I have seen him on their show before. who knows, looked into him a little bit more today and yes it looks like he has been quite successful in some business ventures.
Been investing with Lee since beginning. Prob seen him on the show, he must get a governor tag as the episode showed he has hunted Iowa annually but from mn
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