Just a note about my auction item of "Pick of the Shed".....I'm a very busy guy these days with driving 100 miles each way to work and a senior in high school playing sports and a junior at U of Iowa taking finals right now. I have not spent much time on IW because of this, but when I heard about Paul I knew I wanted to help. You can come to my home and I will measure sheds to your delight...some like typicals and some just like unique junk. Nothing is over 90 inches that I did not have mounted on a cape. I'm sorry I didn't just take a picture of one shed and auction it but I thought this would be fun and benefit Paul and his family. I am not for selling antlers and many mean so much to me. The only time I sold any antlers was when I needed to put braces on my daughters teeth. This is a one time pick to benefit Paul.....a man's life is more precious than a big chunk of antler. You will leave happy if you love antlers like I do. Kent