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I dont quite know why i am putting this but i sure hope that everyone is decent to Tony at the classic. I've heard some of the stuff said on here about him and i just hope noone crushes the kid by saying that to him.
i wont be there but i wouldnt have gave him flack if i was. just because i dont believe he shot it doesnt mean i would have been an ass. hope you guys all have fun at the classic.

Shortfused-- Just respectfully curious as to why you don't believe that he shot the deer. Has something been said or read that causes you to doubt their word. As for the tagging issue I talked to the DNR directly and are well aware of the tagging issue but chose not to make a issue out of it as much as others have. Given different circumstances they might have would handled the issue differently. They used discretion and chose not to cite anyone for hauling the deer home while he was in school. Right or wrong that was there decision and there's to make.
Who do you think shot the deer?. Do you truly think that his parents would let him live with a lie his whole life if that were true. We here in the midwest live by a set of values that we also teach are children. Being dishonest is not one of them. Yet I still respect your right to believe what you may given this issue.
trper first off i am not tryin to be a$$ but i live in a place where right is right and wrong is wrong, which means if the kid shot the deer good for him but dont break the law wheather the got pinched or not. what are we teachin our kids if we say it is bad to do big things but little ones like taggin a deer you didnt shoot is alright? we up here live by a set of morals that is much like yours and sure things get abit off track sometimes but right is right and wrong is wrong. i guess that i base to much of my opinion ( and that is all it is) on what is said on here, like on the sale of the buck- we no nothing about it, but you here that his father and two uncles split the check??? that may not be true, but if it is why are they splitting it and is it not put away for tony when he is older. if this is true, that is why i dont believe he shot it what entitles them to the money and not him??? all in all there is contraversy around it some believe in the kid and the story and some dont. this is the stuff that kills sports, honestly this is no better than a strike in baseball. the sport is pure and i cherish every moment i spend in god's glory. as for tony i may have doubted it but i never bashed on him the kid is inocent either way in my book. i just think that they could have waited for him to get home from school and go out and hule it home. there is no other look on a kids face as to when you walk up on there first or secoond deer, that fire and expression is indiscribable and they took at least took that much away from them.

it is much like the buck from ontario which was shot a half hour after hunting time, now who has there hunting manual in the standdefnin hunting hours i know that there have been days that i have sat a long time after shooting hours with still enough light to hunt. but right is right and wrong is wrong. i hope i am wrong on my speculation of the luvsten buck, i would be the first to eat crow if i am. in all the after light of what has gone on with them and all other record breaking bucks the doubts pile up against them all, and that takes away from the sport.
regardless of it all luvsten will remain as one of the all time names on top in hunters with hansen and rompola.

have a nice day

You're way off course here man, I don't even know what the hell you're trying to say in your post. Obviously you must have forgotten that there are a lot of people on this site that actually know the family, and know Tony personally. If you don't have anything good to say, maybe you shouldn't say anything at all, especially when it's something you obviously don't know much about.
This site isn't a rumor mill, and I don't think anyone wants it to be, but with inaccurate posts like yours, that's surelyl where it'll be headed.
I agree Critr,shortfused is off base here.It is ok to have your opinion but if it is one that has no validity to it then keep it to yourself.lxshooter,I didn't know how to put that but I am glad you brought it up.
Shortfused I really don't understand were you are coming from. You have speculation towards the deer tony shot but you stand solid with the Rompola buck????? The facts are there on the luvsten buck.
hooray for you, believe what ya want and i will believe what i want all the information i got was from you people here on this site, i didnt start friggen rumors. hooray for the young man i dont care, hows that better? rompola is quack too, i had another comment too but i will save it so one cam doesnt have to write me a pm to tone it done
have a great night hope you all have a wonderful year in the woods. or in the fields or where ever you guys enjoy your times

well i was told that this deer was captured after the first sighting of it and then it was gronw on the farm and the kid shot it with muzzle loaded but i was not a fair chase but their alot of storie but he is the only one that know the truth and i stick with it peple poache in the world every day dont make it right but there is no way to stop it and it is there problem and they have to live up to what they if they did anytihng worng but i beleive i think you are just jealous hes on 15 and one giant fu**inc deer and u didnt ........... but my own opinon
I think GunDog870's initial post was of concern for Tony at the Classic. I respect his concern. We all have to remember that this is a 15 year old kid and if anyone has the audasity to flip him flack at the Classic is way out of line. Geesh, how some of you can come up with such a strong opinion without having all the facts or personally speaking with any of them is beyond me. I think this deer has some people crazed and confused....can't we just appreciate a deer of this magnitude as a monster and leave your personal opinions out of it? Shortfused, I think Onecam is right.....I think your posts ruffle to many feathers. Your entitled to your opinion but when it is a constant muddle of aggression it is not welcomed on this site. We all need to get back to disussing hunting tactics and having fun on here....instead of being Judge & Jury on a family that 95% of us have never met. And yes.....this is my opinion and I have never met Tony or had conversations with Doug. It must be upsetting for the Grandfather who use to frequent here seeing all this negativity about something that initially made him so proud.
Oh look, everyones ganging up on someone for daring to voice his opinion again.Talk about being the judge and jury.Seems to me he was asked to explain a comment he made and he did it.

And on the record, I believe the kid shot it, might not agree with everything they did but Id certainly hope no one would harrass a 15 yr old in public about it.
buck, i in all honesty hope i never shoot a world record. i am happy with the time i spend in the woods, and my biggest buck (160 class) is great and fulfilling enough. i hope i never have to go through this scruttiny.

rudd, where was there any agression in that, i made a coment and was asked to explain it and i tried, i think my attitude has gotten alot better but you are entitle to your opinion. if you and the administration think i am out of control, ban me i am sure you can put a block on me.

alot of people here are very double side, and i speak my mind and i get ridicouled for it. bottom line great for the kid i am happy for his harvest as for the family and as for the grey areas surronding the deer good for you that you got away with it.

have a good day
I usually try to stay out of the topics that carry some controvesy, because I don't think either 'side' is gonna convice the other of their view. It's just like conservative versus liberal ideas. You believe a certain way, or you don't. Arguing won't usually be what brings a person around.

Concerning this topic - go on discussing it if you want, but it's gonna keep going in circles . . angrier and angrier circles. It seems to me that this site is dedicated to deer hunting, not deer arguing. Go on sharing your opinions if you want, but my wish is that this one gets put to rest, and people get back to discussing the more fun parts of deer hunting . . everything else. I think conflict can be good, but conflicts need to be resolved. Just my thoughts . . .
i'm still hear guys, just reading and listening to everyones comments, no Rudd i quit letting the negative talk bother me, its not worth it, to my knowledge my son Doug has never lied to me so i believe everything he has told me about the great hunt he and Tony had, which by the way is the same you all have read and heard from them. On the selling of the rack i've never asked the price and really its none of my buisness or any ones elses for that matter. I hope to see and get to meet some of the faces that go with the names on this post. You can't miss me, little older then Doug with glasses and grey hair. Hope to see you there.
I'd like to meet him, just to see the deer. Whether or not there were some legal situations, I don't really care if it wasn't poached. I respect everyone's opinion and it's great to hear everybody's opinion. It's when opinions become taken as fact that we get into trouble. Let's remember guys that opinion is opinion and fact is fact. The reason I say this is because opinion too often gets accepted as fact and it makes me think of a poem I know called gossip, her's a few lines.
My name is Gossip.
The more I'm quoted the more I'm believed.
My victims are helpless
They cannot protect themselves, I have no name, no face.
I am nobody's friend
Once I tarnish a reputation it is never the same
Even my name hisses. I am called gossip.
Before you repeat a story, ask yourself.
Is it true>
Is it harmless? Is it necessary?

Just some words to think of guys. he's just a kid and it'd be a shame to see a kids life ruined becasue a bunch of jealous people turned fiction into fact.
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