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Too close for comfort


Active Member
on the last morning of the season i tried to be crazy and sit on the ground somewhere. after sitting there about an hour, i noticed three coyotes slipping through the valley, i thought i should shoot one of those things, but then i kept thinking deer may come yet. all of the sudden the three headed straight for me and passed within 15 yards. so there i am sitting on the ground and got three coyote within 15 yards running around hunting, and i will admit the heart was a little pumping. then i turned my head to look back and there was four more of those dirty dogs coming right down the trail i was on at a fast pace, so now its time to react, the first one shot one way the other one shot the other, i grabbed my gun and put it on the thirds chest and dropped him. after the shot the last coyote came and stopped 5 yards in front of me, i jumped up hoping he would run and he just stared at me, so i grabbed my newly made knight club and ran after him, then he was gone. talk about a rush having 7 coyotes all around you while sitting on the ground, i just imagined 4 hitting me from the front and 3 jumping on my back lol. i know it sounds crazy and never would happen, but when you are sitting there and they are all around your mind starts to drift a little bit.
That is too cool! I woulda been grabbing my camera just for the close ups, but I very rarely see any where I hunt - only two in the last several years...
You did what I would have done. They are good to have around to take out the sick and diseased but 7 in one group is too many. I saw 6 in one group this fall as ILdeerslayer and I were on the way to hunt. We both launched arrows but nothing got hit....SOunds like you need to do some late season predator hunting
been in similar situations here. in this one area i hunt sometiems you'll walk out and there will be a pack of song dogs following you out of the timber. my cousin was coon hunting one time and they did that to 'em all night, they left cuz the dog wouldn't leave their sides!
shredder, you have no idea how many yotes are in this place im hunting, i bet on one good cold day, and hunt them all day long with three or four guys, we could get 25. unfortunately i dont have the right permit to hunt them, but hopefully next year. its absolutely amazing, every night one howls, then for miles and miles it is just nonstop howling, sounds like 200 of them around its amazing, and the darn things are so stupid, just bed out in cornfields and are always running around in midday, i bet you could shoot 10 just from the truck lol
Good Lord, I about fell off my chair picturing you swinging that muzzleloader...

I would get the proper permit. 25X$30 = $750! Talked to a guy the other day that got $40 for one... It is getting about worth it to hunt them again.
...what permit?...aren't you still allowed to hunt coyotes with the usual hunting (small game) license?...I don't believe you need the furharvester license for yotes...
hershy, the permit i need is just where i deer hunt is all. im not allowed to coyote hunt there, its the ammunition plant.
Wow 7 yotes! I spend a few hours calling these dogs durring the winter months and saw 9 come out of a draw once but never again. They are not known for running in large pacs. We have coyote calling contest and after its over a fur buyer will come in and buy all the dogs, the most I can remember getting for a good prime silver yote was $10 in the past 10 years, $40 is great.
Do you guys do any calling? It's a good fix for the deer hunting blues!

Hunt on All4s
.Wow Liv4 that's pretty cool sounds like you need a Knight double barrell
. I hate that feeling that someones watching you when your walking out. Then you turn around and shine the light and there they are following you.
I try to call the yotes and foxes but never have too much luck, I just started calling this year. The only ones I ever shoot are when I'm deer or pheasant hunting. Anybody with any advice for an beginning predator caller?
stalker53, ive had pretty goodluck coyote hunting when i do go. first and foremost, you cant take coyote hunting lightly, i personally think they are tougher than a deer, of course unless you can shoot 300 yards. they will always try to come downwind and they will leave if the slightest thing is out of place. i wait till it gets super cold, calm night and a clear day, i wait till the sun hits the horizon and turn on my caller, i use the yellow bellied woodpecker call, seems to work better than the rabbit. the best places ive had success is around huge stands of tall switchgrass and on really thick river bottoms. also if you shoot one dont think its over yet, two years ago i got two doubles by shooting one then waiting ten minutes and here came more. just find the thickest area you can and set downwind of it, and make sure you can shoot really well. ive had better luck in the evenings however ive had opportunites at coyotes all day long. thats what i would do, goodluck to you!!!
Thanks for the advice liv4rut, I'm hoping this heat wave of 30-40degree weather goes away and we get some snow so I can try again. I might go try anyways if it doesn't cool off because I just watched Randy Anderson's video and it was AWESOME. Man that guy can bring in the yotes!
I use a snoopy doll hanging on a stick-n-string just poke it in the groung near you like you were turkey hunting. I use a rabbit in distress call, start off light with your call then increase the intensity. If you get get one that hangs up just out of range use a mouse squeaker to coax him in. If you have no luck after 15 min. move. My best times are mid morning 8-11 but all day is good. Good luck.

Hunt on All4s
when i was in high school and college i had a neighbor that ran 'yotes with hounds. personally, i thought it was sorta stupid, but that's just my opinion. those damn dogs would end up running deer more often than not. i realize a good hound would be fun to work though. i had a group that we would walk/run sections and then chase them with vehicles. it soudns easy but let me tell you IT AIN'T! coyotes are very smart and they don't get the term wiley for nothing. we would hunt square mile sections and run 'em out by one mean or another. deadeye and i had more fun doin that than anything i think. that was pre corsica time when i had the "mighty lumina" for runnin ' them and then the "daytona express". for some reason i have more luck hunting stuff outta cars than anything. besides, they're easier to pull out of ditches!
This is what's been taking all my time the past few weeks. Not hunting, but trying to get my scope sighted in, trying to get my E caller, and trying to get the scope for my Varminter. I put my 3-9X40 Trijicon on my Stubby AR flat top. I've been to the range twice with it and I'm still not happy. My 6-24X50 Black Diamond Burris should be here on Friday for the Varminter and I won't repeat my mistakes on it. Soon, very soon, I will have my first 'yote and its gonna be worth a ton of money.

The hobby fund is about to zero.

The 'Bonker
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