Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Too close for comfort

with all the coyote hunters on the site, i see a contest, whoever gets the longest tail wins lol. I went out tonight, had everything set up perfect turned the caller on, about 2 minutes later a loud song was playing out of my caller, i think my little sister might have been recording backstreet boys, talk about a suprise, trying to get the dang thing shut off. so then i put on my other tape, going good five minutes into it, then all the sudden bye bye bye, now im not liking backstreet boys or nsync, i dont know which one. so i thought no way she got all three, put in the coyote howler, only to have loud music and lots of coyote howls
so i just got pissed and did a little coyote howl of my own and left, time to buy new tapes
come on LIV, you know you boogie down to backstreet boys.
serouisly, if you do, you're not hunting with me!!
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