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Too Early to Frost Seed Clover?


With this crazy past year of weather, do you think it is too early to throw down some white clover? Picture perfect weather forecast over the next 10 days...1/2 inch of snow on the ground right now and highs in the 40's-50's during the day and 20's at night.
I frost seeded clover in southern Iowa last week. When do most of you guys frost seed? Id of preferred to wait a bit but given limited time I went ahead and got it done. I dont see any major issues with going ahead and getting it done.
Normally I would wait until mid-to-late February, but I don't think you wasted all your seed or anything by going a little early. I suppose some might get pecked up a little by song birds, but I think you should be fine.
I would think with the temps the way they have been your seed is getting incorporated into the ground with the freeze/thaw cycle that has been hot and heavy the past month. I sure can see the efffects of the process on the bare ground here at home. I frost seeded cir switch in december and I believe it is already worked into the ground.

I'll be frost seeding my clover probably this next month as that's when time will allow. I have had great success with frost seeding so far on switch and clovers.
It's early to frost seed clover. You will likely be fine though- seed is tough. Ideally, another month on clover to frost seed.
Switchgrass is another animal though- you can do that anytime, switchgrass has a hard seed coat that's difficult to stratify. I'll probably seed some switch anytime now and wait on some clover about 3-4 more weeks.
Like I said though- if you did it already, you'll likely be ok
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