Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Took Advantage of the Rain Tonight

I am on the west side of the state so the crap passed a little earlier. Got to a stand about 3:00 and deer everywhere. Not what I was looking for but they were out from about 4:00 on. I had to wait until complete dark to get out of my stand and head out.
Went out at bout 2:00. sat in the rain and wind being miserable till about 4:30 when got a break in the weather and a doe came in to 30 yards looking over her shoulder periodicly every ten seconds. sure enough 60 yards behind her, here come a shooter. he came into bout 40 yards and started following the doe away from me. gave him a grunt and his head wips around and here he comes. in my head im thinking "perfect" he is walking right into big open shooting lane like hes reading the script. but then he redirects to the one place i cant shoot him. so there i am at full draw with him at 15 yards and cant shoot because of a few twigs. after what seemed like forever he casually turns away from me and walks off never presenting a shot. as a farely new comer to bow hunting it is alittle heart breaking. but i know its early still plenty of time.
I decided to wimp out and stay home, but went for a drive at 530 and they were everywhere... shoulda went.... :mad:

for cryin out loud Thomas, my girlfriend sat last night. Your a pu$$ :D Good movement all day yesterday. Tons of movement in the morning before the front and I'm assuming this A.M is rockin as well. I hate being in the office.
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