Premium Platinum Member
I was hesistant to share this, but it goes to show that you shouldn't stop looking.
On Nov 5th I packed in to what I had planned to be an all day sit. I took my climber and lunch and was ready to stay planted. I had a few bucks that I planned on killing.
I got set, and waited for the morning grey to break. I was early and was perfectly ok with that. I could hear deer moving and was pumped as I pulled up my bow.
The first 30 minutes or so of light I didnt see anything. So I picked up the horns and smashed them together. I had rattled in a number of bucks on another farm the night before and knew that this morning was going to be killer. I hung up the horns and within 5 minutes I had what I believed to be the buck below Marching through the river.
He immediately headed down wind at about 80'ish yards, so I snort wheezed at him twice, he turned on a dime and headed my way and
started to make a scrape at 22 yards and all I had was head and shoulders.. (which will clear up dandruff but not kill)
So I waited and he doubled back. He got to about 38-40 and I drew, and dropped to my knees on the platform to squeeze a shot through a hole. The shot looked good, and then clipped a limb at about 5 yards fom him. The branch swayed and he mule kicked like a mother and took of. Even though it hit the twig, and i mean twig on this branch, I thought there was no way it could have affected it that bad, that close to the deer. I was probably right and hit where I was aiming... Anyhow.. This is where it gets interesting.
I called a buddy and waited about 3 hours to start trailing bacause I was not 100% sure with that limb swaying after the shot..... Name this Blood..
If you guessed Liver, you are dead on.
We realized this as soon as we saw it, but the blood was steady, and it was a 3 blade Rage. We followed good blood for 150 yards and at 15 yards he stood up (appeared to wobble) and quartered away hard, and I smacked him again (with a buzzcut, I figured I should have a fixed blade in brush). This shot hitting mid height and 2 or 3rd to last rib. He was in a thicket and its all I had, and I knew I needed to shoot... Shot looked good and we fist pumed and were pumped as he took of on a death run. But we backed out. 4.5 hours later. As I am sure LIV would agree with me, if you have one arrow in a deer, you better take every shot that you have!!!!
3:30 pick up the trail. He has gone quite a ways....... follow dwindling blood.. A LONG WAYS. 500 yards maybe??
We are in hands and knees thick stuff following drops of blood. I hear my buddy behind me go "o crap there he is head flat on the ground", so I draw.. as I draw, the buck takes off from about 5 yards in front of us, and I wing yet another arrow on the run at about thirty yards, and think that I miss. He has a basketball sized blood spot on his side, finally broke off the 8 inches of the back of the original arrow, all covered in good clean dark blood (liver). The other is sticking more than halfway in him into the chest cavity and its been 8 hours since the original shot.
We showed up in the morning to no blood after he jumped, but found what must have been my third arrow broken with only about 4 inches of penetration! I Smacked him in the shoulder, which was evident 50 yards later.......
He isnt the 10 that I thought, but I was still pleased. He broke off his G3 on the left and what you see is his split. So that definitely fooled me as too who he was. We worked our butts off for him. It goes to show how tough they are. The first shot completely took out the liver, and the second shot was buried in his brisket and was not nearly as high as the picture makes it look.
On Nov 5th I packed in to what I had planned to be an all day sit. I took my climber and lunch and was ready to stay planted. I had a few bucks that I planned on killing.
I got set, and waited for the morning grey to break. I was early and was perfectly ok with that. I could hear deer moving and was pumped as I pulled up my bow.
The first 30 minutes or so of light I didnt see anything. So I picked up the horns and smashed them together. I had rattled in a number of bucks on another farm the night before and knew that this morning was going to be killer. I hung up the horns and within 5 minutes I had what I believed to be the buck below Marching through the river.
He immediately headed down wind at about 80'ish yards, so I snort wheezed at him twice, he turned on a dime and headed my way and
started to make a scrape at 22 yards and all I had was head and shoulders.. (which will clear up dandruff but not kill)
So I waited and he doubled back. He got to about 38-40 and I drew, and dropped to my knees on the platform to squeeze a shot through a hole. The shot looked good, and then clipped a limb at about 5 yards fom him. The branch swayed and he mule kicked like a mother and took of. Even though it hit the twig, and i mean twig on this branch, I thought there was no way it could have affected it that bad, that close to the deer. I was probably right and hit where I was aiming... Anyhow.. This is where it gets interesting.
I called a buddy and waited about 3 hours to start trailing bacause I was not 100% sure with that limb swaying after the shot..... Name this Blood..
If you guessed Liver, you are dead on.
We realized this as soon as we saw it, but the blood was steady, and it was a 3 blade Rage. We followed good blood for 150 yards and at 15 yards he stood up (appeared to wobble) and quartered away hard, and I smacked him again (with a buzzcut, I figured I should have a fixed blade in brush). This shot hitting mid height and 2 or 3rd to last rib. He was in a thicket and its all I had, and I knew I needed to shoot... Shot looked good and we fist pumed and were pumped as he took of on a death run. But we backed out. 4.5 hours later. As I am sure LIV would agree with me, if you have one arrow in a deer, you better take every shot that you have!!!!
3:30 pick up the trail. He has gone quite a ways....... follow dwindling blood.. A LONG WAYS. 500 yards maybe??
We are in hands and knees thick stuff following drops of blood. I hear my buddy behind me go "o crap there he is head flat on the ground", so I draw.. as I draw, the buck takes off from about 5 yards in front of us, and I wing yet another arrow on the run at about thirty yards, and think that I miss. He has a basketball sized blood spot on his side, finally broke off the 8 inches of the back of the original arrow, all covered in good clean dark blood (liver). The other is sticking more than halfway in him into the chest cavity and its been 8 hours since the original shot.
We showed up in the morning to no blood after he jumped, but found what must have been my third arrow broken with only about 4 inches of penetration! I Smacked him in the shoulder, which was evident 50 yards later.......
He isnt the 10 that I thought, but I was still pleased. He broke off his G3 on the left and what you see is his split. So that definitely fooled me as too who he was. We worked our butts off for him. It goes to show how tough they are. The first shot completely took out the liver, and the second shot was buried in his brisket and was not nearly as high as the picture makes it look.