Trail Camera Set-Up Suggestions.


New Member
I just bought a Deer cam DC-100. It was reffered by a friend who has been using game cameras for several years. I want to get out and set it up in the AM tomorrow. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to set it up such as height, location, film speed, interval between shots. I'm new to the cam scene and would appreciate the help. Thanks.
This time of the year find a scrape. Put the cam on a tree about 2.5 feet off the ground. Make sure it does not face south or east. The sun will cause false triggers and waste all of our film. On a scrape i would use a longer interval time like 1 or 2 mins. Make sure you use 400 speed film, i like kodak. It is more expensave than fuji but gives better results.
Here is a pic to get you in the mood.

Good advice from Vman,
I usually set up on major doe trails this time of year but it is all personall preference. Depending on how close to the trail, I set my cam at 2.5-3 ft tall. the closer you get to the trail, the lower the cam height. I find either to be successful. Good luck on your pics.
