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Tree seeds?


Well-Known Member
I’m looking to buy bulk seeds (not sure varieties yet) for trees but not sure where to look. Local forester gave me leads but one no longer did it and other doesn’t offer only once a year (not a big deal as I’m just searching). Anyone got anything?
I have about 6000 2-3' tall shingle oak I keep offering people free for the taking, but strangely enough, I still have them... Maybe you'd like them? Just bring your own shovel.
In all seriousness, what you have going?
I’m a stones throw from MN up in north central Iowa.
I’ve got about 2 acres that I can only access when crops are out due to I have to cross the neighbors (was trying to buy a lane and their financial advisor said no) and I can’t access it from my side due to a creek/swamp that a bridge isn’t real cost effective. Right now it’s just grasses/weeds/thistles. I try to hand spray when I have time but it’s a losing battle in some of it. So I’m contemplating working it and spreading tree seeds and whatever happens- happens. If I did that, then it would be added to the sanctuary and would quite possibly give me a dynamite hunting funnel then.
I can't speak to how well tree seeds take but I've had really good luck with bare root stock. Get yourself a dibble bar and carry in a couple hundred trees and go after it is what I'd do. I'm a glutton for punishment tho.
I can't speak to how well tree seeds take but I've had really good luck with bare root stock. Get yourself a dibble bar and carry in a couple hundred trees and go after it is what I'd do. I'm a glutton for punishment tho.
I’ve had bad luck in the areas I tried bare roots with- combination of deer mow em off or just don’t seem to take. Hoping to basically create more seedlings than they will eat off but not even sure that’s a good choice. Just don’t have much for options, and want to make it more useful for deer versus just the crap weeds/thistles/parsnip it currently is.
Learn to identify trees and when their seeds are ready to gather. Ash, box elder and oaks are very easy to identify in Fall, gather keep dry over winter store in paper bad, and spread in spring if can get covered with a little soil works good. In spring can gather maples and elm relatively easy, elms have a short window to gather and plant.
Find somebody close that has walnut trees and stomp them in this fall. They like rich soil and deer might not browse them heavily, though I do have a trail camera on a walnut tree and have pics of them browsing the lower branches. I was in a pasture yesterday taking a machete to some bull thistles and was surprised at the number of walnut trees that were invading. Wild cherries are dropping their fruit right now and they tend to almost be a weed, birds spread the seeds and they readily take when pooped. Mulberry is another "weed" IMO though they have dropped already. Deer eat the mulberries along with critters like raccoons, skunks, birds, etc. Yesterday I noticed some white oak acorns dropping early. My ash tree planting died due to emerald ash borer. I hate box elders, trash tree IMO. Elms seem to fall victim to Dutch elm disease, rarely get to a decent size.
Learn to identify trees and when their seeds are ready to gather. Ash, box elder and oaks are very easy to identify in Fall, gather keep dry over winter store in paper bad, and spread in spring if can get covered with a little soil works good. In spring can gather maples and elm relatively easy, elms have a short window to gather and plant.
Oh I can- and do- just was looking for more of a bulk option to save me some time and also cover a fairly large area.
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