We have had the same problem for years in east central illinois. Last year a jeep went across a chiseled corn field and buried it a quarter mile out from the road, of course owner denied having possesion at the time and the person who had it could not be reached. So we had the sheriff put one of those locks on the front wheel assembly so that it could not be moved when the ground froze, In the mean time the local newspaper ran an article about all this going on and the jeep became popular with the local high school kids and somebody knocked the windows out, so we ended up with glass in our field and the county ended up paying the wrecker bill. And the wrecker company kept the jeep. Nobody was ever prosecuted because they all came up with a story, The Sheriff is a good friend of mine and I know alot of time was put into the case, sometimes you just cannot win. O by the way we would not let them move the jeep until we were going to plant the field the next spring and this happened in January