The tresspassing issue was brought up at the IBA Members meeting last weekend. Several of us wanted the IBA board, their lobbyist and the high ranking DNR officials there know what a problem it has become and that we are in favor of a change in law to strengthen tresspassing charges. No one was against increasing fines or damages for being charged. The only thing mentioned was that many times when a DNR officer or Deputy is called out to issue a tresspassing violation, the landowner will back off after they are there or before the court date and refuse to press charges. We need everyone that makes that call to be ready to take it to the extreme and press the charges to the extent. Even if that takes a day in court. With more charges being completely followed through, it would give us more leg to stand on to help increase the penalty.
I plan on speaking with my legislators about the need for increased tresspassing penalties and see if I can get others to do so as well. Maybe I can even get the IBA and the Farm Bureau to back some sort of bill to be introduced. I know I am not alone in being sick and tired of constant tresspassing on my land and plan to do something about it, both on the legal end as well as increased surveilance and full prosecution when caught. With our numbers and clout, I'm confident we can get something done to make Iowa more like some of our neighboring states where you definitely do NOT want to tresspass. Increased penalty will most definetely lead to lower occurance, especially after a few lucky offenders get the book thrown at them.