Trident buck


New Member
We had a buck on our farm now several years ago that looked very much like that. We called him "King" because his one antler looked like a crown. I don't know what happened to him though, he was all over the place one year and we passed him up many times.

We never saw him the next year though. I am not sure if his rack grew normally the next year or he died, etc. I mention this only because you indicated that he would make an unusual mount in a few years.
Genetics on the property have had more than one like this and one harvested several years ago had both sides like that instead of one. But very possible he may grow different next year I guess. We have other farms that have similar type of bucks who continue to grow the same each year although larger.
Let him grow he'll be really cool when he's mature! The buck in my profile pic is really similar, but he was 7 1/2 to 9 1/2 when I shot him. I'm thinking injury caused my buck to grow that way, but either way he'll be cool on the wall in a few years.