Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Tripod lives on...


This is a deer that I have been watching for 6+ years now. She has had her front leg locked in this position for 5 or 6 years now. She has always had twins or triplets ever year and had triplets this year. She has been off limits for anyone to shoot. She gets around really good for have three working legs. I got to watch her get breed this year and she had no problem holding his weight. I hope she lives a long life and dies of old age... If I thought she was ever suffering I would be the first to end her pain..
That is a big doe! I get as excited taking a doe as a big buck, awesome story, deer, and pic! Wonder why her leg is locked, maybe broke at one time?
I call this one Gimpy...same deal though, leg is locked in a curled position. Note the long toe nails on both these deer.

Amazing how they can adapt and survive. I had two yotes run under my stand one morning...one had it's leg locked straight out...like an arrow! It was smaller then the other but when the first got downwind of me...hey, let me tell ya that thing could scoot on 3 legs!
Looks like that smaller deer is checking it out and wondering what the heck is up with her. She is pretty good size. It's amazing how they adapt and how tough of an animal they are.
keep an eye on those hooves, see how long they get. We harvested a buck two seasons ago that we had been seeing for a couple years. We called him LIMPY and his hooves on the limp leg were in excess of eight inches. He appeared just as these two bucks (above) did. But what surprised me so much was how fast he could run. The man who killed him did not have a clue that this deer had only three usable legs because he was running so fast after a doe.

Great pics. guys.
Might be foundered. I'll come trim those hooves if you catch them and hold them down.
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