deernut - I work for the University of Iowa actually. We are paid through the state of Iowa, the DNR, and the federal government. So, all your taxes do fund my expeditions to God knows where in Iowa... I thank you all! Anyway, as far as schooling goes, IF you really want to get into this line of work, study hard in math, biology, and be a good people person. Now, I didn't do very well in math and I'm hardly a people person (just ask 95% of the people on this site) so I had to work pretty hard to get the job. I worked for quite a few years in the Iowa DNR fisheries section and then came to Iowa City while my wife finished her schooling. I got very lucky to get into the place I"m at now. Another tip is to get into a good 4 year college that actually has a degree in fisheries techniques. Iowa State, South Dakota State, Southern Illinois State are a few of the local schools that have excellent programs. Once there your advisor should be able to get you on the right track. THEN, when you finish your 4 year degree go immediately into a Masters program because this field is damn near impossible to get anywehre without a Masters. I worked for damn near 7 years before I finally got benefits.
Here's the kicker... I chose fisheries because I love to hunt. When I started hauling nets, dragging seines, and shocking fish I had no desire to go hook adn line fishing... ever. I was afraid that if I got into the wildlife section I'd quit hunting. I have probably caught a dozen fish on hook and line in the past 8 years, but my hunting hasn't slacked! Anyway, if you have any other questions... let me know.