With all due respect to your opinion on how the sport of deer hunting should and should not be conducted, I'd like to request that you please stop publicly criticizing things that you don't fully understand.
I'm not ashamed of my sport, are you? (Don’t answer please, it is a rhetorical question and I know you are not ashamed of the sport).
I’ve performed hundreds of hours of research (it’s my job!) on the opinions of non-hunters and know that the battle to win them over will not be won or lost based on any dead deer picture.
The real battleground to attract and retain a favorable opinion for hunting from the non-hunting community is directly impacted by how hunters conduct themselves in public areas like convenience stores, restaurants, rest stops, etc…. I could go on forever about the topic but I think most people get the picture: clean up the blood, pull your camo pants up so your arse crack isn’t showing, don’t cuss, and instead of telling the waitress “ I killed that big SOB with my old ladies 20-gauge and now I’m getting drunk” instead say things like “I harvested a nice 10 pointer today and plan to celebrate a little”.
I strongly dispute your assertion that transporting deer the way I did, on a short trip down a rural road to the local locker plant, had a negative impact on any non-hunter. In fact the only 2 cars that I met on the road flagged me down so they could look at my dead deer. Posting the picture on this web site also had zero effect. However, hunter, bashing fellow hunter, in a public forum…. that’s the kind of stuff that gives the anti’s fuel to make us look bad in the eyes of non-hunters.
Respectfully, TF