Life Member
From the Iowa DNR:
Trumpeter Swan Shot in Woodbury County
SIOUX CITY - Public assistance is being sought in the investigation of a trumpeter swan shot and killed over the past weekend in Woodbury County.
Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) officers are investigating the shooting death of a trumpeter swan that was found Sunday in the backwaters of the Little Sioux River near Oto. The swan had a single rifle shot through its neck. It is illegal to shoot swans.
The DNR has been releasing captive produced young swans on state wetlands since 1995 with a goal to reestablish a wild, free flying population of trumpeter swans to Iowa. So far, the program has been successful to the point that a new modern-day record of 40 successful nesting pairs of trumpeter swans was recorded during 2009.
Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to call DNR Conservation Officers Stacey Sisco at 712-301-6735 or Steven Griebel at 712-301-4009 or the TIP (Turn in Poachers) hotline at 800-532-2020.
From the Iowa DNR:
Trumpeter Swan Shot in Woodbury County
SIOUX CITY - Public assistance is being sought in the investigation of a trumpeter swan shot and killed over the past weekend in Woodbury County.
Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) officers are investigating the shooting death of a trumpeter swan that was found Sunday in the backwaters of the Little Sioux River near Oto. The swan had a single rifle shot through its neck. It is illegal to shoot swans.
The DNR has been releasing captive produced young swans on state wetlands since 1995 with a goal to reestablish a wild, free flying population of trumpeter swans to Iowa. So far, the program has been successful to the point that a new modern-day record of 40 successful nesting pairs of trumpeter swans was recorded during 2009.
Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to call DNR Conservation Officers Stacey Sisco at 712-301-6735 or Steven Griebel at 712-301-4009 or the TIP (Turn in Poachers) hotline at 800-532-2020.