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Turkey calling 101, Sounds of the Wild Turkey
Turn up your volume! :grin:
Tree Call
The tree call is usually a series of soft muffled yelps given by a roosted bird. Sometimes it picks up in volume as fly down time nears. Maybe accompanied by soft clucking. Generally acknowledged as a call to communicate with others in a flock in the area. Tree Call
Fly Down Cackle
The cackle is generally associated with movement. It can be heard when a bird is flying up or down from a roost, flying off a ridge, or flying across a creek. A cackle usually consisted of three to 10 irregularly spaced notes. It's a movement call, so use it sparingly. Fly Down Cackle
The cluck consists of one or more short, staccato notes. The plain cluck, many times, includes two or three single note clucks. It's generally used by one bird to get the attention of another. It's a good call to reassure an approaching gobbler that a hen is waiting for him. Cluck
Plain Hen Yelp
The yelp is a basic turkey sound. It is often delivered in a series of single note vocalizations and can have different meanings depending on how the hen uses it. Yelp
Cutting/Excited Hen
A series of fast, loud, erratic single notes is referred to as cutting. It's a modified cluck and is a distinct abrupt call with a somewhat questioning nature. It can be heard at a great distance and is often used by a single turkey looking for companionship. Cutting
The putt is a single note, generally associated as an alarm, could be several notes sharp or rapid fashion, usually means they have seen or heard something, means danger. Putt
Purring is a soft, rolling call turkeys make when content. It can usually be heard by feeding birds. This is not a loud call, but is good for reassuring turkeys as they get in close to your position. Purr
Kee Kee Run
The kee kee is the lost call of young turkeys and variations made by adult birds. It's often associated with fall hunting, but can be used successfully in the spring. This is what it sounds like. A variation of the call, the kee kee run is merely a kee kee with a yelp. Kee Kee
Cluck and Purr
The cluck and purr is single note or notes often associated with flock talk or the feeling of contentment. Sometimes amplified. It is a cluck followed by a rolling, almost staccato call. Cluck/Purr
The gobble is one of the principal vocalizations of the male wild turkey and is used primarily in the spring to let hens know he is in the area. Gobbling
Squealing Hen Turkey Call
The new Squealing Hen Call from Hunter’s Specialties® reproduces the sound a hen turkey makes during breeding, triggering an internal frenzied response from gobblers to seek and find the source of the sound. This revolutionary call is the first true new innovation in turkey calling in years. Squealing: [URL=""][/URL]
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