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Turkey Hunting Guns


New Member
I'm thinking of buying a new shotgun for turkey hunting this spring and was wondering what all you seasoned veterans recomend. I have been looking at a Benelli Nova. Does anyone have one and what do you think of it? What is everyones turkey setup?
Best turkey gun I have ever used is a Mossberg 835 Ulti-Mag. I also own a Benelli SBE and it doesn't even come close to holding the same pattern. Kind of heavy and not real good on the shoulder but with 3.5 #6 they put the smack down on those birds. Don't use a gun anymore but if I did that would be my choice.
Use a remington SP-10, holds a great pattern and drops a turkey dead everytime. Before that used a remington 1187 but would never use a 3" on them again. The only recommendation I can make is I would definitely by a gun that can hold a 3.5" shell.

I just recently got a new Browning DPS 10 gauge for Christmas. I haven't shot a bird with it yet, but I did sight it in and it has a great pattern! A lot of knockdown power too!
I absolutely love my H&R single shot 10 gauge.
I have shot many guns, my favorite is a 870 super mag mossy oak synthetic stock. Shooting 3.5 inch hevishot in number 5's. I am very confident out to 70 yards with my gun
I have used a Knight TK2000 shotgun for a number of years. I really like it, hunting with a ML puts a different twist on turkey hunting.
yes, you can use the muzzleloading shotgun for pheasants

muddy, how does that 10 guage single kick? i have a 12 single, and 3" mags are a mankiller
Although I primarily do all my turkey hunting with archery gear, I do have a sweet set-up on hand for friends and family, (or clients) to use when the need arises to really reach out an touch 'em!

Benelli SBE Steadi-Grip 3 1/2" 12 ga., w/ Aimpoint red dot sight. Loaded with 3 1/2" Winchester Supreme #5's...it almost ain't FAIR!!

I have used various Mossbergs over the years and absolutely love them. Some people call them cheap and ugly....but they sure hold a pattern and keep knocking them dead. Don't buy into the belief that you need a 3.5 inch shell to kill a bird. All my birds have been killed with HV 3 inch loads. Heck, I took my wife's 20 gauge out this fall just to prove it could do the job. With a XXX full choke it rivals the patterns of some of my best 12 gauge patterns! Several of my hardcore turkey buddies actually use 3 in loads out of their 3.5 in guns....due to better patterning.

I would urge you to look into some tight, high quality chokes and after market adjustable sights or optics. I have a Tasco red dot on my turkey slayer and absolutely love it. With my .665 XXX full Hastings choke, it is deadly out to 40+ yards.

In reality, any gun manufacturer out there can make a decent turkey gun. Getting the gun....and then getting to know the gun, load and choke is what is important.
My vote goes for a Browning BPS in 12 gauge. Simply a well-made, reliable, jam-free pump that points well and shoots easy. I've always loved the bottom ejection and the safety on top of the receiver. 12 gauge is as heavy as I've got on turkeys and haven't had any problems putting them down with 3" #5 turkey loads.

Most of the guns mentioned above will serve you well. I'd definitely recommend a pump for no-fail, no-nonsense reliablilty when it counts.
any shotgun will kill a turkey. it takes one major component to get the job done. the CHOKE. when you find a choke that throws a good pattern, you are set
I use a muzzleloader for turkeys. Knight tk2000 is my weapon of choice. It sure does drop 'em and hard. I really like it!!!
Super Black Eagle - 3 1/2" 6's with a MAD choke. It has a deadly pattern! I've patterned out to 60 yds and it has more than enough pellets in the kill zone.
I bought a Benelli Nove just for turkey hunting and i love it. But i agree with teeroy. You get the right choke and you will be set!
after talking with Liv last year, i picked up an undertaker choke on clearance after season. not sure if i will spring for the hevi shot yet. maybe when all my old remmington turkey loads are gone
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