I agree with waspsiyguy. Scouting is key. Do plenty of research on different set ups. If something isn't working you have to be willing to try something else. We have hunted 7 days and killed 9 birds out of my blind this year. 8 of which where with the bow! Good Luck!
Any movement with your decoys? I'd try throwing a strutter or fan out if you have one too. I've had a couple years where I can't do a thing wrong and come into next season super confident, only to be brought back down to earth by stubborn birds. One season I had 4+ encounters with the same two toms and could never get it done.Getting on them is not the problem. Getting them to commit to my decoys is (Using avian jake and hen) . Ive had 5 instances this year with toms within 100 yards.![]()
Getting on them is not the problem. Getting them to commit to my decoys is (Using avian jake and hen) . Ive had 5 instances this year with toms within 100 yards.![]()
Any movement with your decoys? I'd try throwing a strutter or fan out if you have one too. I've had a couple years where I can't do a thing wrong and come into next season super confident, only to be brought back down to earth by stubborn birds. One season I had 4+ encounters with the same two toms and could never get it done.
Scouting isn't an issue on the farms I hunt. Turkeys are plentiful and roost in the same general area every year. I'm just not getting it done. It's not my year!The curse continued this morning. I set up close to the roost but the turkeys I was targeting flew down and followed hens in the opposite direction. I did a little calling and got a response from a ways behind me. I waited a bit then called again and he answered and was closer but still had about 150 yards to come. About 5 min later a crow sounds off and the tom lets loose in the timber 50 yards behind me. He stayed in there a good 45 minutes but only shock gobbled at crows. It had been about a half hour since the last time I heard him so I peeked out the corner of the blind to check things out and noticed a couple hens about a hundred yards to my right. In the mean time I hear a big thud, look back at the decoys and there's three toms standing there. The thud I heard was one of them drop kicking my strutter. I shoot with my chair sitting sideways so the 3 of them snuck in silent from behind me. Evidently they seen me when I swung my head back around to see what was going on. They were still at ten yards but acting nervous. I picked up the bow, drew, settled the pin and let it fly. Now I have a new hole in my double bull! Ha, I could only laugh as the 3 of them trotted off. It was good to see the turkeys finally commit to the dekes.
With 4th season starting this week what's everyone's opinion on decoys. Been using the Avian X jake and hen mostly. Stick with that? Go with just hens? Been having a heck of a time with hung up toms myself this season.
Ya, about time to say heck with it and spend my spare time in the boat instead of the blind!You are having a heck of a year with those birds. Haha
There is a product called TEAR-AID that does wonders for arrow holes in the blind![]()