Turkey tip of the day/March 31

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UL Shelter/Stove Geek
Actually two tips. 1st, for those that want to add more realism, put real feet on your dekes. These feet are loose, and just propped under the DSD dekes, then the deke pushed down on the feet to hold them in place. Even though a hen doesn't have spurs, at least she has feet! I like details, otherwise I wouldn't own the best commercial, non taxidermy decoy on the market, DSD! I also paint my stakes a dirty pink color. 2nd tip, use a Thompson Center Muzzleloader T-Handle to push your decoy stakes in. Saves your hands from possible injury, while pushing a stake in hard soil. Waiting on Iowa's opener in a little over a week! Then off to Nebraska!



I did notice hens last year looking under the deke. But it didn't seem to bouther them that there were no legs.
I also had hen pecking and pushing my hen around.

Won't your legs far off if one does that? That might spoke them more than no legs.

And you lose any motion from the breeze.

I have also thought about this. I think a pair of limp plastic legs that attach to the deke would work better.IMO
Cooter, my Strutter moves in a 360 and my upright hen has a motion setup that makes it go from standing to submissive(like you and I both did last year). I only have one set of legs, and they are going on the jake. He doesn't need to move, and if a tom kicks his butt, and his legs fall off, he should kick his butt even more. They love to pick on a downed bird. A tom would prob start pecking the legs as they lay there.
This thread reminds me of a scene from Jeremiah Johnson................."But what if he see's our legs?" "Elk don't know how many legs horses have!!!!!!"

I've watched these decoy threads for the last month with a big grin and haven't said anything until now. To each his own guys and enjoy the hunt, but I plan on keeping mine simple as I always have.

I think DSDs would work good with legs like the Floozie decoys have. They are attached with bungies and fold up next to the body for packing.

$140 decoy looks a lot like the zinks, but the paint on the head doesn't look quite right to me.
This thread reminds me of a scene from Jeremiah Johnson................."But what if he see's our legs?" "Elk don't know how many legs horses have!!!!!!"

I've watched these decoy threads for the last month with a big grin and haven't said anything until now. To each his own guys and enjoy the hunt, but I plan on keeping mine simple as I always have.

Lol Jay, these detailed dekes aren't for the turkeys, they are for the hunter to enjoy looking at as he sits in his blind. If I gun hunted birds, I wouldn't even use a blind or dekes. Seriously, I started out with the Feather flex dekes, the buckwing breeding pair bobble head, and several other brands I can't name. The timbers I hunt, have more hunters then birds. They have seen anything and everything, in the deke world. Guys that have a good bird pop, don't need great setups. If I lived near Osceola, I wouldn't get so carried away. Boone County and Story county, suck for a bird pop.
Why dont you just raise your own wild turkeys Don and train a tom to do just want you want and take him out with you?
these detailed dekes aren't for the turkeys, they are for the hunter to enjoy looking at as he sits in his blind.

My point exactly! This entire turkey hunting thing has become a fashion show with who has the biggest, fastest, and easiest way to hunt a bird.
Like I said earlier, to each his own, and I hope you enjoy the hunt, but I will quit hunting before I go to those extremes to shoot a bird that doesn't have enough common sense to not stop looking up at the rain.
I think DSDs would work good with legs like the Floozie decoys have. They are attached with bungies and fold up next to the body for packing.

$140 decoy looks a lot like the zinks, but the paint on the head doesn't look quite right to me.

Thanks for the pic. Yea. They need to be a dirty pink color too.
My point exactly! This entire turkey hunting thing has become a fashion show with who has the biggest, fastest, and easiest way to hunt a bird.
Like I said earlier, to each his own, and I hope you enjoy the hunt, but I will quit hunting before I go to those extremes to shoot a bird that doesn't have enough common sense to not stop looking up at the rain.

Jay, I shot my two bird limit for approx 18-20 years, till I switched to bow hunting them only. I enjoyed gun hunting them, or I wouldn't have done it. Now, it is just the bow. Honestly, to many, this looks like a lot of work, prep, $, and a pain in he butt of a way to hunt. Well, to those of us that do it, many of us REALLY get into it. I like the prepping and packing my gear on my back and hunting this way. To those that say this is just too much weight and work, well, I would advise that you don't go elk hunting. Carrying all of your food, shelter, sleeping bag,stove, water purification, bow, and other gear....that is hard. Turkey hunting is really, Iowa's elk season, you chase gobbles instead of bugles, both rely on good calling, endurance to navigate some nasty country at times, and they both get my blood going when you get them in close.The birds come in real close, with good dekes, when you have the dekes close to you. I set mine at about 5-8 yds. I love looking at my deke spread(old waterfowl hunter too), watching a birds' behavior from far and as he closes in. This type of hunting is in your face,adrenaline flowing, excitement! If you are ever in the area, I'll gladly take you on bow hunt. We'll use the river systems and either my canoe or flatbottom, and put some birds to bed, camp out(I don't like navigating rivers in the dark)and ambush them with a setup in the AM!!
Don, you say all that like I've never experienced the rush myself. In case you've forgotten............

5 yard shot, no blind, no decoys.....

No blind, no decoys, no camo......

I've got more but there's no need.
You've made it abundantly clear that you like hauling all that stuff. Once again, I'm glad you enjoy it. I enjoy my way also!:way:
Those are quite the cool photos!! Nice pics!! Yea, I for some reason thought you muzzleloaded them. Offer still stands, if u r in the area.
This thread reminds me of a scene from Jeremiah Johnson................."But what if he see's our legs?" "Elk don't know how many legs horses have!!!!!!"

I've watched these decoy threads for the last month with a big grin and haven't said anything until now. To each his own guys and enjoy the hunt, but I plan on keeping mine simple as I always have.

bwahaha... this is exactly what i was thinking before i even saw your post shovel.. :way:
HCH, Turkey hunting compared to elk hunting? Really? Have you ever been elk hunting? Have you ever been to the backcountry??

And you have it all wrong, hunting with a bow is way to easy. Takes all the sport out of it. If you really want to turkey hunt all you need is 2 sticks and a sack. How do you sleep at night after tricking a poor defensless turkey with a decoy, thinking he's going to get some then using a high powered modernized bow to harvest him? Anyway, just my two cents.

BTW, you should post a harvest picture sometime, i'd like to see the fruits of your labor......
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