Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Turkey Wrastling


Active Member
I finally made it out this morning. I figured it would be good and it was. Called this guy in around 830, but due to the terrain and my blind placement he couldnt see the decoy. I new he wouldnt commit so I took the first good shot I had at 30 yards. One good wack later and im running out of the DB and diving into the timber to grab this guy before he took off. The shot was a little back but it was enough to do the trick. Too bad I didnt have a camera guy with me. Would have made for a good bloopers video thats for sure. Lets just say he still had some life in him.

He had two beards at 11.25 and 6.25. 1 1/4 spurs and weight in at 24.75 lbs.

He's a dandy. I unfortunetly wasn't as fast as you and had one take flight on me on Monday afternoon.
Well no one can say you didn't get your exercise in today. LOL It is always funny watching a guy chase a bird down in a field or timber. Everyone gets a good laugh even the chaser. Great job and Congrats.
You shoulda done like Shovel, just gone back to the substandardsuburan and let nature take it's course. Are those stomp and miss divots in the ground? Either that or the cows are in your food plot or somebody put some divots in the second cut rough after they missed the fareway by just a smidge.

Oh yeah, nice bird.

The 'Bonker
Lets just say he still had some life in him.

[/ QUOTE ]

Makes things a little more interesting!

Congrats on a beauty bird...like the twin ropes!
a dead bird is a dead bird, no matter how far you had to go to get him, although i would have loved to have seen the whole event on film...
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