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Turnips not being touched...


This makes my 3rd year of planting turnips. They have yet to touch them. I hear everyone else saying that they are going crazy over there plot. I have planted 3 plots each year each about 2 acres each.. I have tryed Antler Kings, Frigid Forage Big & Beasty, and just the old Purple top, and have had the same results. The deer will just not touch them.. I fertilize and they look really good. Can any one tell me whats going on........
I have no clue ??? I have about an acre of them planted now and there really hammering them .. I did notice they do not eat them till late season and only when its above freezing . I dont think they like frozen turnips ?? just my guess I am not 100% sure on that one ?? are they eating them at all ?? how about the leafy part of the plant ?? I will take a few pics this weekend of my plot and post them for you to see the damage

I made a couple posts earlier in the year about how the plot was doing- I just posted the last 4 shots I had- they are eaten to the ground and grubbed out most of the roots.
I planted Green Patch Plus which contains brassica (same family as turnips?) and oats, and added some rye. The deer hit the Oats in the GPP and the rye well, but seemed to ignore the brassica which looked great. A few leaf ends nipped here and there but that was it as of Thanksgiving. Looked at it from a distance during 2nd Shotgun and saw no signs of usage in the snow. Will have to check it after late ML to see whats left. Never saw any clover come up in it either BTW, but we had extremely dry conditions and I was surprised it did as well as it did. Curious to see if the clover comes up in spring.
Also, I was surprised to see the turkeys make frequent visits to this plot as well. They literally ran to it on several occasions.
If you got alot of crop ground around, they most likely will not touch them. If deer are not used to eating them it can take them a few years to figure it out
Our turnips have been untouched too but our corn and beans are getting hammered
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