TV- Ruining Deer Hunting?

I think I would watch a rabbit hunting show, I was obsessed with rabbit hunting growing up! I was up to a 14 beagle pack at one point. Me and a buddy would video the dogs all the time, it was great.
I tried starting a national chapter of RU (Rabbits Unlimited) a couple of years ago. Where were all of you guys then? Probably sitting there complaining that rabbit hunting would become to mainstream and people would start leasing up timbers to cut them down and make brush piles. I honestly don't understand the people that just sit and complain about everything that doesn't go their way.

Is TV hunting really effecting anyone of you? If you are seriously losing that much land due to leasing, than either pony up the money or get off your butt and go talk to people. Not that hard really. There are so many hunting opportunities in Iowa it's crazy, it's just that you may have to break away from your normal routine and go find some new dirt to hunt. People are scared of change and I get that, but wow, you guys make it sound all gloom and doom, when in all reality times are great right now for hunting.

It's a simple fact of life that there are people that complain about everything and want things handed to them, and there are people that go make it happen. Ask yourself which one you are...........

And I know it's cliche, but if you really are that unhappy about the way things are nowdays, than quit watching or quit hunting all together and make room for the people with positive attitudes that enjoy being out there :way:
No, it's not just about products. Nobody will watch rabbit hunting. Sorry.

If you looked at the numbers/ratings of turkey hunting shows vs. deer hunting shows, you'd see deer hunting shows that would have twice (if not more) the views.

Now, I'm assuming that rabbit would be far far below that.
I just said I would watch it.
I pass on the turkey shows though but I couldn't tell you why.
Forget about the rabbits dedgeez, you should become a shrink. You certainly have us all figured out. :rolleyes::)

Well you certainly are easy to read, that's for sure.

Just don't understand why you have such a beef with hunting personalities or the industry as a whole? I know in my life when I don't like something, I either A. don't do it, or B. don't watch it. What a concept...... And I'm a damn happy person :way:
Let me ask you guys a serious question. And I'm not being a smartass.

Do you truly enjoy hunting and being outdoors? I mean is it more than a passtime for you?

If the answer is yes, than what does it matter what everyone else around you does? Why wouldn't you be happy for people that can turn it into a living? I know there are many things on the hunting networks that I don't like or agree with, but never once has it actually effected the way I hunt or the the sport that I love so much.
I tried starting a national chapter of RU (Rabbits Unlimited) a couple of years ago. Where were all of you guys then? Probably sitting there complaining that rabbit hunting would become to mainstream and people would start leasing up timbers to cut them down and make brush piles. I honestly don't understand the people that just sit and complain about everything that doesn't go their way.

Is TV hunting really effecting anyone of you? If you are seriously losing that much land due to leasing, than either pony up the money or get off your butt and go talk to people. Not that hard really. There are so many hunting opportunities in Iowa it's crazy, it's just that you may have to break away from your normal routine and go find some new dirt to hunt. People are scared of change and I get that, but wow, you guys make it sound all gloom and doom, when in all reality times are great right now for hunting.

It's a simple fact of life that there are people that complain about everything and want things handed to them, and there are people that go make it happen. Ask yourself which one you are...........

And I know it's cliche, but if you really are that unhappy about the way things are nowdays, than quit watching or quit hunting all together and make room for the people with positive attitudes that enjoy being out there :way:

Great response. I couldn't agree more. I have seen those who are not 'OK' with change, and when change occurs (it's inevitable that it will), they are left behind. It's ok to be disgruntled or disappointed at first, but sooner, rather than later, you've gotta crap or get off the pot.

I'm not trying to brag, but I have permission on more hunting ground than I know what to do with all across Iowa and multiple other states. Some farms not so great, quite a few 'ok', and a few that are great....most, I never really step foot on. It's all about networking, relationships, and the will to not be left behind.

I realize times are getting tougher, there is no doubt about that.....but the resource (whitetail deer), is held to a high value like never seen before. Most hunters want to shoot a big deer, and there are only so many places here in Iowa that one can do that. Gotta keep pushing.

I don't blame the TV personalities for it, but I do think that TV introduced more people to the sport we love, which is a great thing. We have some extremely passionate hunters here in Iowa, and for the most part, that has done nothing but good things for our state and our sportsmen/women that are out there.
That good stuff Fred. But did you see all the high dollar Remington and Beretta shotguns and clothing, The Tri Tronic collers on their dogs, or the expensive pickups? Holy crap, they are exploiting the bunny hunt. They should be using spears and wearing loin clothes.....

Who do I sound like? No really think about it guys.
The topic was what is your opinion of tv shows, my response, I watch them but could do without all the crap and I thinks that where many people are at. Its just over the top now. I know I would like alot of the people on those shows as people, they just need to restore some kind of balance between hunting and product pimping.
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The topic was what is your opinion of tv shows, my response, I watch them but could do without crap and I thinks that where many people are at. Its just over the top now. I know I would like alot of the people on those shows as people, they just need to restore some kind of balance between hunting and product pimping.

There is no question about that Fred. For the most part, I am just playing devils advocate here, because there are so many people that are so quick to pounce on the topic of the hunting "industry".

I have no skin in the game either way. I don't video my hunts, and I'm not on TV, nor do I care to be. I just don't think it's even close to as bad as people make it out to be. And I'm going back to the original topic of TV ruining hunting.... Not product pimping or how shows pay the bills.

I truly don't think its even coming close to ruining hunting. JMO

OK I'm done. Just hope that some of you will go forward with an open mind about some things.
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That good stuff Fred. But did you see all the high dollar Remington and Beretta shotguns and clothing, The Tri Tronic collers on their dogs, or the expensive pickups? Holy crap, they are exploiting the bunny hunt. They should be using spears and !

Who do I sound like? No really think about it guys.
That's funny right there! And yes, I would watch a spear hunter stick rabbits. Don't hate just 'cause he's able hunt rabbits for a living! Your just jealous
STOP getting off topic you guys!!!!!!

This post is about whether or not you guys are going to watch rabbit hunting!!
Peronsally I quite watching hunting show's a few year's back, other then Midwest Whitetail's (I am a huge fan of Bill Winke) other then that , I could care less on what some of these Pro hunters are doing- I do not have time to watch their show's, I am too busy all year long scouting,planting and do all the hard work of learning how and when to hunt prime area's for the bucks I want to tag off, of my own ground! ( I learned every thing I need to know from the Drury's. Kisky and Jay a very long time ago, and I have no desire to sit down and watch all of them now plugging outfitters
I pretty much agree with everything dedgeez has said.......everything. I have always had a problem with people complaining about tv hunting personalities, it is simple STOP watching them. To take the time to bash any of them verbally is ridiculous. Whether it is the personalities or the industrialization part that you don't like, stop watching. DVR is a beautiful thing, zip past all the commercials and watch encounters, watch how deer react to different methods being applied, etc. if you want to learn something you can. You don't have to like what they push or what they say but you can learn valuable information from watching deer in general. I don't watch much for hunting shows but I agree with others when they say what else would you rather have on, reality tv? There is plenty out there for everyone, watch non hunting shows and stop saying the hunting shows that are on are ruining hunting because they are definitely not. I am around plenty of hunting camps, groups, guys whatever and share tons of photos, stories etc and not one time did I ever walk away worried that something they saw on tv was going to hinder them from being a good outdoorsman. My main group has food plots, piles of stands and 100's of acres to maintain and not one of us has been influenced negatively from tv. Matter of fact our entire county has never been in better shape as far as more people conscious of what there goals are and there passion for creating better habitat for all types of wildlife. And yes I said passion! Lastly, I am pretty sure that if our last 15 years of annual rabbit hunts were filmed we might have signed a tv contract and be bringing in more than Willie and Si per show, we sure have fun one time a year! Super glad Illinois pushed back the last day of rabbit season from first week of January to second week of February.
I wouldn't say tv shows as much as land companies. They seem to think every field that has a tree in it should sell for a million bucks or lease for 50$ an acre. Thankfully we own our own land. Feel sorry for the fellas that don't. Its getting hard to gain access these days from what I hear.
What a thread. I've been away from the site as I've been busy this fall. I'm on both sides of the fence and see good and bad. I like the promotion of the sport and the videography if the animals and the scenery.

I understand the plight of those who feel the squeeze bc of it so to speak. I also feel bad for those that have a misconception of what hunting is about bc of some shows.

I will confess that this fall I have been attempting to video hunts. I have a friend who makes his living as an outfitter. Before he is hated in ill say that here, it happens on public land so nobody is squeezed out. Fir a couple yrs now he has had a show on our wildtv network. This past winter while sipping java at a rink watching our kids play hockey he approached the topic of me joining him. I hummed and hawed and well, Inow have a new bow from his sponsor and one of his cameras.

His sponsors are minimal as he more uses thevshow as advertising for his deer, bear, moose and sheep and miuntain caribou camps further north. For me, the only diff. Is the camera. I still hunt the same way, lon the same handshake permission lands. I guess I wish to show that u don't need the best gadgets, scent control, exclusive access, food plots or bait piles to have success. If I kill something on camera it'll be in the same manner as always, and there will be no product pimping.

What I am sure of is, my boys sure like their hats and shirts. Lol. Like I said, I see both sides, but I just can't see, when done like I'm trying, how I can hurt hunting at all.

Ps.. poor camera light or no cam on the shot ain't stopping me.
The only upside I see from the commercialization of hunting is better products. Companies are striving to do better each year to beat their competition. Everything seems better, clothing, camo, treestands, trail cameras, bows, slug guns, slugs, muzzleloaders. The list goes on and on.

Nobody can tell me products were better 5 years ago than they are today.

This website has probably done more harm to Iowa than most TV shows....ever get contacted by people after you post a picture of a big buck trying to figure out exactly where it is at? I am sure and know people with bad intentions cruise websites like this. That won't happen on a TV show.

I do not watch hunting on TV much. Sometimes it is a toss up between the disney channel and the outdoor channel. Seems cheesy, lots of products being pushed, lots of fake emotion it seems and seems nothing like when I go out hunting. I don't enjoy it so I do not watch it. Pretty simple really.

When I buy products it is from pure research from forums like this. I am sure lots of people buy products based on TV shows which is fine by me. To each their own.