I know what you mean when asking switchgrass vs crp. For the sake of clarity, switchgrass is a native warm season grass. Crp is a program that may include various types of grass or trees planted on ground that is "rented" by government farm services agency for 10 years or more. Just want to use the correct words. Depending on the practice selected and the chosen option for seeding mixtures you may get a mix that has switchgrass. Most mixes have multiple species to ensure diversity and that something grows. Farm service agency classifies the primary vegetation type as..
Cp1 is cool season grass. Cp2 is warm season grass. Cp3 is trees.....every one of the crp practices have several seeding mixtures and choices that is determined by the customer.
The deer respond to structure and don't really care about the plant species. Alot of deer useage depends on slope, aspect, other available cover in area, disturbance,time of year and so on. If I had to decide...I would look at crp practices such as cp38e, cp2, cp4d and enroll acres to cash flow other management that may include planting some acres of switchgrass if needed. Take advantage of opportunity for the subsidies to help you management objectives.