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under armor gloves

Well I went through 2 pairs in 2 years. They are junk. The stitching always came apart at the seams. I bought a pair of Sitka Traverse gloves from Scheels for like $30-$40 and they have been much better than UA and seem to be built much better. Those are what I would go with.
I have a pair of their coldweather gloves they call "liners", and I love them. I can wear them right down to 25 degree days and they keep my hands warm all by themselves. I got them on sale last year for $20. I have thought about some of their other gloves, but haven't decided if I want to pull the trigger on them. I have heard the same thing Liv4 said about the stitching on them.
I would try the Arctic Shield 2 piece glove. I think cost $30 and I wear them from late October all through the winter. Pretty decent glove, best I have used anyway.
bought the ridge reapers last year. my opinion is 50/50. they are real short (don't come close to covering your wrists), they are alright but any thorns or barb wire will wreck them fast. in my opinion nothing beats a good hand warmer pouch. also have the two piece arctic shield. the thin ones are good for bowhunting, the cover mittens are not worth a crap. nothing like the rest of there clothing that actually keeps in body heat.
I have had mine for 7 years, yes had to sew seams and just bought a 2nd pair. I would not trade them, I have tried lots. Cold gear liners.
There are no gloves worth 50 dollars a pair!! I can wear 2 pair of jersey gloves and be good to -20.
I have had 2 pairs, both worth less than $5 a pair and worthless as well. I suppose they'd be ok if they didn't fall apart- typical UA type fabric which makes a light weight, thin glove for mild conditions. Too many other options out there now that are better. I'd even say the material is fine if you like that type of stuff (Which I do) but both my pairs have fallen apart & I've seen lots of posts in past saying the same. I think I have about 20 different types of gloves, trying some new ones right now. Trying some merino wool type gloves and some liner gloves (like the socks) with heavier on top. We'll see I guess.
Yeeeup, the seam on the cheap toilet paper provided at work holds stronger than UA glove seams!

Love my UA jacket and pants tho...
I've had a pair of UA gloves fall apart after two uses, and all I was doing was using them for driving. Some of their stuff is great but I think the problem is when you look at the tags, their stuff is made in all sorts of countries. So consistency is a problem.
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