Unreal harvest story!


New Member
I just got this emailed to me today. Looks legit. Unbeleivable! Why can't I have something like this happen to me? The following story is the what came with the pics. If this has already been on here and I missed it I apologize.

"You will not believe the story on this one, I didn't either until I saw the pics. This kid was coming from the woods after hunting the morning on his Grandpas farm. I believe Jennings Co. Indiana. As he was walking back to the house he sees this Monster buck fighting with a concrete statue. He walks up to it and shoots but hits it in the leg, the deer runs about 50 yds away and stops. I guess he decided that he was going to go back and whip this concrete deers butt. He turns around and takes a dead run at the statue crashing in to it, the deer knocks himself out and the statue falls on his head pinning him down. The kid knocks another arrow and shoots the deer, in the picture it looks like twice. Anyway as you can see by the pics he killed the deer and supposedly this deer green scored around 230". If that is correct and they allow it as a bow kill this will be the new state record for archery. The current record in P & Y is 221."




Cool story caleb thanks for sharing! The only thing I find hard to believe is that a statue of that size pinning down a mature buck. That buck could toss a couple hundred pounds around like it was nothing in my opinion. Anyways, still looks like a realistic story for the most part and an extremely lucky hunter.
Sean, thats kinda what I though too, but if he couldn't get his feet under him he wouldn't get much leverage to lift the statue. You know personally how hard it is to move with your shoulder pinned to the ground. OH SNAP!! What sells me is the amount of frothy blood on the ground. Plus check out the churned ground and the blood spray on the white throat patch of the statue. He definately bled out in that spot. If it was staged and he was just placed there most people wouldn't think of putting the blood there. And it looks like there is white paint on his right brow from the statues leg. I dunno, sounds like one of those truth is stranger than fiction deals to me. My luck it would be the new state record and the dumb statue would have busted the bucks skull plate or broken a beam off.
OK, I'll say it.

I don't think there is much to be proud of, shooting a deer that was knocked out/trapped.

Nice buck, though.
Unbelieveable buck but you would expect it would not be allowed as a record because of the lack of fair chase conditions.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JNRBRONC</div><div class="ubbcode-body">OK, I'll say it.

I don't think there is much to be proud of, shooting a deer that was knocked out/trapped.

Nice buck, though. </div></div>

I agree, but according to the story he already had an arrow in it before it was trapped under the statue. He hit it in the leg, then it ran into the statue. There is a hole in its left upper leg. Now we all know this is a terrible shot. But what do you do then? Lift the statue off the wounded buck so it can run away with a serious but not immediately lethal injury? Thats not so sporting either. Now if he just came upon it and it was already pinned, then that is a different story. No honor in that. A better deal would be to grab a video camera and film the bucks release. I would say he did the right thing if the story went the way they said. I don't have anything else to go on, so that is what I am basing my opinion on.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: huntcrazy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">


Crazy story and a great buck!

One thing came to mind when looking at this first pics...if the deer was pinned to the ground when he shot it again, the angle of the two arrows looks a little strange.

Maybe only the deer's head was caught or it was thrashing around after the arrows hit, and moved them around. The two arrows just look a little weird to me. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/confused.gif
Wow, that would be a tough one to NOT shoot considering the circumstances. It would be a tough call whether or not to shoot a buck that was knocked out like that. What do you guys think? Would you have done what that guy did and shoot it under those circumstances??
nice deer , just dont know how ethical it is, the deer must have been in crazy rut, but it looks like real early ,when does Illinois start their bow season? lot of green in the background.
i'm with DT37...no way that is the actual story. looks like a staged photo for some internet buzz
It would be hard to dispute that the buck died in that exact spot. Frothy lung blood would be hard to replicate I would think. The ethics issue doesn't seem to be an issue. Guys decoy deer all the time. If I had an arrow in a world class deer and he became intangled in my decoy/grape vines/brush,etc...., nothing would stop me from finishing him off. Wild story for sure!