UPDATE - too young or not?



Well, I can't believe it. After much apprehension and then finally asking you guys I took my 6 year old out yesterday. And what a day it was. First we went walking thru some grassy ditches trying to find a rooster or two. My little huntin' partner jumped 2 hens - which about made him crap his pants!!!!!
After an hour or so he was ready to take a break. We warmed up in the truck and listened to some football on the old hilltop. At 4:00 pm we finally decided to head over to the treestand. On our way in, we jumped a rooster pheasant and again about gave the little guy a heart attack! Halfway up the ladder stand a doe jumps out of her bed and we're in a stare down for about 4-5 min. He was a trooper, he stayed motionless for the entire time until she started to feed in the bean field. After 10 min. in the stand (a double wide that 1arrow bought - thanks buddy
)he tells me that he's has to pee again!! We're in a little argument until I give in. He let's 'er go off the back of the stand. Keep in mind he just went 10 min. ago at the truck!
I'm laughing at the whole situation. At this point I hand him my grunt tube and tell him to give a couple soft grunts. He does it perfectly. We watch as 6 or 7 more does filter out to the bean field. Not bad for a first hunt I thought to myself. Then suddenly I catch movement in the bean field approx. 45 yards or so out. Here comes a deer walking right to us. After telling him to not move about 5 or 6 times (his feet are dangling as he sits because they don't reach the platform) I finally put my leg in front of his feet as I turn for a shot. I grunt and stop the doe at 20 yards. Whack! Perfect double lung shot. She runs about 30 yards and falls over. He sees the whole thing and is smiling ear to ear. High fives and a hug.
I help him down out of the stand, or should I say I floated. Dad was on cloud nine. We walk over to the deer and shared about 5 min. together of just questions and comments. That all ended when some coyotes got within earshot! He didn't care for that
! Anyway, a great first hunt for my son and I that I'm sure neither one of us will ever forget. In the truck, he told me a bunch of times how much fun he had and that he loves "going into the country". Then he fell asleep on the ride home.
Thanks to everyone who convinced me to take him. I think we became a little closer yesterday.
You will probably never know how much of an impact that one night will have on your son. My son is almost three and he is pretty facinated by deer and turkeys. I only hope we will get a chance to share a moment like that. I think your son and you got a Christmas present early! Makes all those dirty diapers a few years back seem not so bad!
Rudd - Unfortunately I didn't get any pics
. Forgot camera at home. In hindsight I should have went to town and got a disposable.
sounds like something I would do....but I'd have 50lbs of "stuff" that I didn't use.
Wow!! If that was your first hunt I can't imagine how good its gonna get. I think it means more to them than we ever know. I'm glad you had a good time. P.S Don't forget a saftey belt for the kids.
That is awesome...honestly, it nearly brought a tear to my eye. Congrats on the priceless time with your son, and contrats on the harvest. I've always liked this saying... "Hunt WITH your kids, not FOR them."

Guess it was 6 years ago when I took my oldest son on his first bow hunt (6 years old). I shot a doe and he about jumped out of the stand shouting "She is down"! He has now taken 10 deer with a muzzleloader and took his first with a bow this year. He still doesn't understand why I get more excited about his kills than my own. Happy hunting!