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URC for climbing sticks.


Active Member

Several of us have replaced our Lone Wolf straps with a URC (constrictor rope). This is just the constrictor portion above. JakeWym below with his on his sticks. I have purchased a role of Tenex 12 strand rope in 1/4" black. It is rated at 3200lb breaking weight. These URCs are not to complicated to make and at 8' beat messing with a 6' strap that sounds like bell ringing every time it strikes agains anything metal in your setup. I will offer the rope at .25 cent a foot, plus shipping. as long as it last. I do use these on my stand as well as my sticks but several have commented that they perfer the straps and buckles on the stand for ease of hanging. One works just as well as the other for me. ON your climbing sticks they are a must!! I suggest calculating 12' of rope for one complete URC. 42" for the constrictor portion and the balance for your lenght. I will add more photos and links to show the splicing process and how the complete URC will look.

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I made a set of these with a Muddy Safety Line. I cut into four equal lengths, which came out to about 7 foot each. I didn't splice a loop....I just tied a loop knot on each one then burned the tag end to prevent unraveling. Works great, a little lighter than the buckle straps, much more quiet than the buckle straps, and cinches down nicely.

Here is an AT link that explains further.

Hey Ironwood, how much would you charge to make a guy 4 of these? I'm not much of a seamstress.
There is soooo much I want to say here.

I really was not interested in making these for people. I was hoping to encourage folks to make their own. I have a tool on order that may make these easier to do, than my last go at it. If they go together easy enough I may be willing to splice these and sell. I will have to see. The rope will not even ship until the 24th. I will have two tags to fill before I can even think about this. Wish me luck.
ironwood said:
There is soooo much I want to say here.

I really was not interested in making these for people. I was hoping to encourage folks to make their own. I have a tool on order that may make these easier to do, than my last go at it. If they go together easy enough I may be willing to splice these and sell. I will have to see. The rope will not even ship until the 24th. I will have two tags to fill before I can even think about this. Wish me luck.

:) go for it

Great offer on the rope!!

Only thing I would be careful of is if you make some of these and sell them and something happens to someone I would hate to have them come after you. Selling bulk rope is one thing, selling them made up I myself would worry.

Maybe its just me but these days everyone seems to go after someone for something..........

Great offer on the rope!!

Only thing I would be careful of is if you make some of these and sell them and something happens to someone I would hate to have them come after you. Selling bulk rope is one thing, selling them made up I myself would worry.

Maybe its just me but these days everyone seems to go after someone for something..........
I'm not disagreeing with you but that is a sad way to got through life. Always limiting yourself (and others of your talents) for fear someone MIGHT sue you IF something happened.
I say git after it Ironwood!
just my 9 cents (sorry, inflation)
Ask anyone who builds stands, steps or other products. Liability is a sad but TRUE part of life....

Im not trying to discourage him and I hope everything works out.
Don thanks for your concern. This is how I role, I am only doing this to enourage folks to make their own. I may make a few but definately am not interested in making these in any great number. I would like to see folks learn to make there own and encourage other to do the same. I would think LW would dump their straps and start including these with their stands. Much more reliable I would expect.
I've made thousands of feet of climbing sticks for family and friends and I weld right on the back. Use at your own risk incase something were ever to happen. I hope that family and friends would never take it that far but it is sad what some people are willing to do these days. Someday in the next few years you might see a new set of climbing sticks hitting the market.

If you are wondering about doing these yourself just watch this you tube video. Two loops like the one in the video, a long bury( or feed through ) in the constrictor, then two short bury to finish the ends. Done. The tool used in the video is a Selma Fid. Buy a 5.5 or ask to use one of the two I have coming.

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UCR's are the only way to go. Silent, way faster to rig up and longer than the POS ones that come with most sticks.
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