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Using your own urine in a scrape?

Now this thread has me wanting to go and check my trail cams. I for have a cam up on a scrape. I've got 4bucks at the scrape since I hung the cam; which was before the scrape was made this year. 3 in the first 10days, 1 in the second 10days. I pee'd in it for the first time last friday when I checked the cam.
I'll throw up some pics if I get any.
I peed in a naturally existing scrape last week and checked the cam last night. Every doe or yearling spike that came by stood and smelled it a lot. The 3 different 8 points that came in had their head up high in every pic and were only worried about the tree limb overhanging.



Seth that morning after comment made me laugh, nice one:way:

What's it matter anyway...the point is to raise their curiosity isn't it? If they come in most of the way and don't work the scrape, does it really matter?...they did come in, right:way:

For the record, I wouldn't use the first morning pee nor would I use a night after drinking pee. However, my pissing results have yielded nothing to date...your's may vary.:grin:
I also have been doing that for many years. I would make a scrape as early as July & wiz in it, I couldn't believe the results. Before digital trail cameras I had a film one, the 1st time I did it in July the whole roll of film was buck. There were 3 dandies I never knew where there & several smaller buck.
I pee in every scrape, rather I have a camera on it or not. It works plain and simple, plus its just fun peeing in a scrape. Ever once and awhile, I outsource my scrape pee and have a buddy come over and pee in the scrapes around my stand. Different pee sometimes works when your pee has become very recognizable. Kinda like going to the bar and seeing the same chick every weekend, a new one pops in, and it gains your attention.

The comments above were ment to be funny. But seriously, I do pee in scrapes and it does work.
I went to a seminar that the Wensel brothers put on at the Iowa Deer Classic the first year they had it in the hyvee center.. I remember them talking about human urine and impact on wildlife.. Seems like I remember one of them saying that they actually pee'd on a bear out of the stand and it had virtually no effect to it.. along with peeing in their whitetail hunting areas they had no negative results. Urine is urine.. it's all sterile.. Now this question comes to mind... Sorry if it grosses anyone out, but, What if someone tried putting a menstruating woman's urine on a scrape:confused:
scrape peeing

I dont think it bothers mature bucks. I urinated in this scrape at noon and had this guy on it 8 hours later.:way:
Last night I hunted over a scrape that was freshened with human urine, I also moved a trail cam over the scrape to see what would happen. Throughout the hunt I had 3 does and a 120 8 point walk past the scrape, smell it and move on like normal. However, when a 150 10 point came down the trail he stopped behind my trail cam and froze up, eventually going back the way he came. I'm guessing he could smell my scent on the cam as he wasn't close to the scrape yet and I was careless in my scent control when handling and setting up the cam. I agree with everyone else in that urine is urine, I think any negative reaction will be due to human scent left behind and not the urine.
Well yesterday I went and pulled the card from the cam where I had "freshened" the scrape.
2 prior bucks and 3 new bucks all in 8days several came back multiple times. I've pee'd in 4scrapes since last night.
I pee in every scrape, rather I have a camera on it or not. It works plain and simple, plus its just fun peeing in a scrape.

Brian and I think alike. Every scrape pic I get is over a scrape I took a leak in.
I think Ghost had a series of pix where he is actually peeing on the scrape (facing away thank God :D ) and if my memory serves me correctly, pix then followed a few hours later of a mature buck working it.... that was all it took for me to buy into it!

Anyone else recall that thread?
My dad and I use our own urine all the time and we will put a trail cam over it, and we have been very sucessful with it.
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