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Vandenburg buck?


I heard Vandenberg the Iowa QB went home this week durring Iowa's bye week and shot a big buck. Someone just told me it is a 21 point main frame 10 that is in the 190's. I was just wondering if anyone has an pictures...
Saw a picture of the buck on KCRG news on Tuesday night at 10. Incredible buck and if I remember correctly he shot it at 21 yards. Just looked at KCRG website and couldn't find pictures.
well good now maybe there will be a little fire under his hiney for this weeks game! lol congrats on a pig!
That is a good one, glad to see kcrg aired this many stations won't show this kind of story.

The really cool thing about KCRG is that the sports guy is a pheasant hunter and I've seen him do stories of him out pheasant hunting. I actually work at a TV station and we wouldn't even think of do something like that...
his brother elliot shot a nice bruiser last year, i wish i had the land to hunt that he has. Dad has a nice peice of property down in keokuk. props to him and cant wait to c what it looks like on the wall
Great buck in lee co. Anyone catch that comment from the sports anchor ( I can't remember his name) about the " big rack". I thought the Bruce was going to pee his pants. Funny stuff.

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