Hand shock???? Are you sure you were shooting a Mathews?
No new technology????
How about...
The Limb Turret(TRADEMARK) the limbs on the Drenaline are cradled by our new, precise, high tolerance Limb Turret which effectively spreads the load
Swivel Lock Positive Positioning System
Swivel Lock is Mathews' new positive locking limb cup system. It's trim, lightweight and it pivots to assure constant and positive downward limb pressure and alignment.
SE3 Composite Limb System(TRADEMARK)
Mathews SE3 composite is the state of the art material that makes the slimlimb design superior. At just 1"1/8 name another bow manufacturer who has that slim of limbs, and that weighs as little as the new Drenaline...NONE..
Not much new technology
- lets just stick with the facts...
I have a hunting buddy that Shot for PSE for 18 years. He was PSE's 1992 bowhunter of the year. 12 P&Y animals with a bow in one year. That year, he killed the number #1 and #2 muscox(sp?) in the world.
Last year, he had a XT- tribute, and trykon- This year, he shot them all and one is on order- and one is getting traded. Bow ordered- drenalin- bow traded- hoyt...
[/ QUOTE ]
LOL!!!I was wondering what took you so long to see and reply to this thread. Did you find your Lone wolf Alpha hangon you wanted?