Video Cameras


World Member
For you hunters that use video cameras while hunting what do you guys use and what would you get if you would upgrade?

Im looking at getting one so I can start taping hunts or the better half can start taping hunts. What should I look for?
I also am in the market for a decent camera. Anyone know of any that work well without spending a couple grand on them?
Depends on your budget... I would look for something very compact with a large optical (not digital) zoom. Make sure you get the type of media storage that would work best for you.
I own the GL2 and have not had as good of luck as LIMB, my next camera will likely be a Sony.
Are there any cameras with a good lense that aren't 2-3 grand? haha I was lookin at the sonys and canons last nite and holy !@%^
Obviously a lot more guys on here make a lot more money then me

I was browsing and noticed the same thing but I guess you get what you pay for.
I will agree that you get what you pay for. I am in it just for home video purposes only. Lots of video cam's on the market for under $500 that should do the trick for most people I would think. If you are going to get serious you are going to have to fork out the coin. Just depends what you are looking for.
I bought a Sharp off of Ebay a couple years ago for 50 bucks and it works like a champ, even in the coldest weather. If ya keep an eye out on Ebay you should be able to get something similar. I didn't want to wrap up to much money in a high dollar one then watch it drop 25 feet out of a tree stand.
I will agree that you get what you pay for. I am in it just for home video purposes only. Lots of video cam's on the market for under $500 that should do the trick for most people I would think. If you are going to get serious you are going to have to fork out the coin. Just depends what you are looking for.

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This pretty much dictates what to buy. If you want production quality video, you will have to fork over the cash for a 3 ccd camera, otherwise maybe a simple sony handycam will get teh job done for you. I always provide this link when discussing video cameras because I learned a lot there dvinfo

Good luck with your purchase it sure is fun to be able to watch that buck over and over again!
I would be willing to pay around 800-1000. My question is can you get a descent camera and than buy a good lense for it?

JVC makes a 3 CCD camera in that price range and it takes awesome footage. You will need a camera arm for it though, those little cameras are impossible to hold steady enough for quality footage.

Look for a used Sony VX 2000 or 2100, they are as good if not better than the Canon's. The only downfall to the Sony's is that the lenses are not interchangeable, but for videoing out of a tree you won't need a different lens anyway. You should be able to find one for 1000-1500 with a few accessories.
Do you just get them off of e-bay or what? I have never ordered anything off it and am a little skeptical on it.
Do you just get them off of e-bay or what? I have never ordered anything off it and am a little skeptical on it.

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I bought mine off of E-Bay, but if you've never used it before you should probably find a friend that's familiar with it. There are certain things you need to look for to protect yourself.