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Video review- Titan Blinds

This is a great idea!!!!! K…. Like a metal pot & some wet leaves or something?
Or some Cheech & Chong type hippies.
I’m on this. Assume just a wet smoky fire & reaveal the issues!?!??!!!!!! :)
Or smoke bombs from the fourth of July tents. Just don't burn your blind down!
I build blinds for others and a few for myself.

They are completely bug proof.
When I build them, and build a smudge fire inside of them and close them up.
Any (even the tiniest bit) of smoke escapes I figger out where and address it.
That's a great idea.
Or smoke bombs from the fourth of July tents. Just don't burn your blind down!
Impossible. I trained to be a Fire Marshall!!
One thing important about a blind is..., a good overhang and window gasket seals.
I build mine with a 12" overhang. And will also put and awning above doors/ windows. Super sucks to try and open a window when it's below freezing temps to have it froze stuck from a driving snow/ rain.
ALWAYS operate every window several times after settling in the blind.
I use the flat felt type gaskets for weather stripping.
Other than the new color is there much difference between the 2023 and 2024 versions? I have a line on getting some of the 2023 versions for pretty dang cheap on closeout and want to make sure the guys who used them last year were satisfied. They look good on the lot and I do like the hinge system for holding the windows open compared to my redneck.
I have four "hard" enclosed blinds, but only one lets in flies. Go figure. I have spied a place where I think they may be getting in that I can caulk, but haven't done so yet. It is a kinked door seal that leaves just enough daylight that a fly could get in there. We'll see if caulking that solves it.
I think on the rednecks, the flies get in thru the drain holes in the floor and vertical window drains.
Other than the new color is there much difference between the 2023 and 2024 versions? I have a line on getting some of the 2023 versions for pretty dang cheap on closeout and want to make sure the guys who used them last year were satisfied. They look good on the lot and I do like the hinge system for holding the windows open compared to my redneck.
The door latching system got a pretty nice upgrade in 2024.
Are the friction hinge windows holding up OK on the blinds as they age beyond a year old? Anything else to be wary of? Anyone else painting the inside of these black? I really like my blinds black on the interior. Have curtains been discussed anywhere? Available to purchase or need to be made from scratch?
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