Oh geez Daver, I didn't even see your post! I haven't flipped you any crap for a while and I was getting itchy. If I had known you threw an arrow and didn't get that beast, I would have held off. Tough luck no doubt. Congrats to your son! Nice buck. You got any cam pics of the one you shot at?
Yes, plenty of pics, he was actually one that I thought I might see over in that area. I first saw him tonight when I saw a tree getting thrashed about 100 yards away. I threw the binos up and immediately saw plenty of antler...yes! I suspect that he was bedded right there, based on previous observations. I think he stood up, beat on that tree and then slowly walked about 20 yards closer to me and then laid down for another 30-40 minutes or so, with his chin right on the edge of the field. He was about 80 yards away, but content to wait for the cover of darkness before strutting onto the open field...even though this field is hidden from the road, etc. I didn't dare call to him as I am in the only tree in that field, had he heard a grunt/snort wheeze, he would not have been able to see anything where he could pinpoint the sound coming from. Waiting game time...
Had that doe not stepped out, I suspect he would have laid right there until after legal shooting hours. I was already texting Mark to come and rescue me with the tractor...as I did not want to climb down with such a smarty so close by. Off course, moments later, I unraveled the stealth single handedly and whiffed on the shot...but still.

Note the droopy left ear on Mark's buck...that is a telltale sign of "Toby".
BTW, he has broken off his right G4, and that must be recent, since I don't think we have any pics of him with the broken tine...yet. In my advanced years...the misses don't bother me as much as they would have 20 years ago. I was happy for Mark to get the other one, a buck we called Toby. I also got a lot of satisfaction with even being in position to get a shot at that guy tonight, as the tree that I was in was a "new" stand location for us this year. My son thought it was a nutty place and it wouldn't work, etc. I have hunted it twice now, shooting a nice doe, and passing 6 others, on the first sit a few weeks ago and then tonight...almost taking out one of the big boys. Ol' Dad can't shoot...but he can still do strategery!
Oh well...there's still plenty of time and the bucks are active, but no real chasing still tonight. Mark saw several bucks and does, but no classic chasing yet. Cruising by the bucks, but nothing hot and heavy...yet. I did shoot a real big bobcat today...at about 7 yards...so I can still make the close in shots.