Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Void area


Active Member
Is this that non-lethal spot known as the void area?
Somebody needs to put that guy out of his misery. Deer are tough, by the looks of the hair around the wound it's probably infected. Everytime be bumps that arrow on a tree or bush it has to be aggravating that wound.
I shot a deer just like that two years ago, except it was a complete pass through. I shot him around 7:30 in the morning and waited until about 3:00 to look for him. Looked for about and hour and a half and thought I would wait until morning to go back. Picked the trail back up around 9:00 the next day and looked for about six hours and never found him. That night my dad was sitting in the same stand I shot him from and he was chasing does like crazy. A shot gun hunter took him during second season and he said he didn't know he had been shot during the archery season. The wound on the deer in the pic looks infected and having the arrow in him wouldn't allow him to heal.
Wow! That sure looks like a killing shot. It definatley looks like to me that there was at least one lung taken out. Incredible how tough they actually are. Not good for the animal but a cool pic.
wow, that is amazing! awesome pic. I wonder how much it really does hurt him? i dont even want to think about it... it looks like a good shot though. Next time i take what i think is a good shot, ill be a little bit concerned now!

Regardless of whether its photoshopped or not it is a good photo of a VOID hit area IMO.

I HATE hits in that area. 6in high is alls it takes and those deer are rarely recovered in my experience. They stop bleeding externly and fill up inside. Hard to follow a blood trail thats not there.

4 years ago a buddy shot a 160ish 9point that had been shot through the "void" area the year before.

After taking it to the taxidermist we found out a story about the buck. A hunter (friend of the taxidermists) that had shot him the year before 2miles away, had video of the deer two weeks after the shot later eating in his yard and when we caped him the buck there was a 4in. circle of scar tissue(both sides) right below the spine on both sides and you could make out the healed spots of where the 3blades cut through between the ribs.

Kinda neat in a way, kinda sad in another.

Are there non-lethal hits? Yes. Is there a void? No. There is no space lacking vital organs in there. Some hits just don't cause enough damage to cause death including a lung hit.
Call it what you will, there is an area just below the spine where many times you get a complete pass through and the deer runs off, your thinkin double lunger no problem, the deer will pile up in 100 yards or less and then you get on the ground and it barely bleeds and never beds down and you won't find the thing. I have had a couple of these over the years and have friends who have had them as well.
just curious what everyone's thoughts are ... how many inches below the top of the back/hairline is the spine on a doe and buck?
Oh theres a void area. No doubt. They can show me all the anatomy charts they want. Charts and reality are 2 totally different things. I hit one in the void. Passed through him. Never found him. Seen him later. He was doing fine.
I sure hate to see that or have that happen to me. Atleast that pic. will relieve that hunter of him/her questioning themselves. Awesome pic.
also curious to know ... for those of you that hit the void how many inches below the backline was the entry?
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