Also read up on thousand cankers disease. This is killing black walnut trees and spreading throughout the united states as time goes on. So I wouldn't get too excited about planting a monoculture of Black walnuts, diversification is key.
Diversification is actually really beneficial for walnuts anyways, fast growing competing trees make them grow straighter. I've seen a lot of walnuts planted but really the best trees are going to be in existing timber that requires them to fire straight up. Get through every drop of your timber and baby the living daylights out of every veneer possible walnut 5" to 20" and even release the mature trees and you'll be in amazing shape. And another 2 cents, I will not touch a veneer walnut tree until it's 25"-26" DBH. A lumber grade tree, I'll start those at 19". Unless they are crowded or on a creek bank & will fall in. Baby those things! Oh, as you do TSI, prune the branches off you can reach and cut the vines off.Yep, know all about it. I will prolly do a direct seeding of oaks, walnuts, and others, if nothing else for deer cover. Right now i am doing nothing with it.