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Watching Out!


Life Member
I know this may not have anything to do with hunting but I thought it to be appropriate in wake of the tragedy of the young 11 year old girl who was caught on video walking away from the scene of a car wash with the abductor and her eventual killer. She was either tricked in to going with him or to frightened to do anything. It never looked like she resisted or did anyone nearby hear anything out of the unusual.
If you have young children spend some time with them talking to them about this ordeal and show them what has happened. School them in some of the necessary things they can do to avoid this situation. Do not shield them from the knowledge of this tragedy, eduacate them. If maybe this young girl would have tried to resist not knowing who this idividual was the situation could have turned out different. If the intent is to molest and kill they will have to do it right there in the parking lot. I have always told my wife as well as others never to get into a vehicle with someone if they are trying to abduct you. Do what ever you can to protect yourself. Keep and eye on your children as I would suspect most of you do on this sight. Never think for one minute that it can't be your child or even yourself for that matter. It is a sad world to have scum like that guy running around in society after being arrested so many other times for serious offenses. There is nothing I hate more in this world than a child killer or child molester. I would assume most of you feel as I do and with that our thoughts and prayers go out to the family of this young girl (Carlie Brucia of Sarasota, FL). May she rest in peace and her killer burn in hell.
I could not agree more. I tell my wife and daughter to fight, scream, yell, but do not comply with an abductor. Even if confronted with a gun or knife statistics show the scum bag will not use it, and does not want to draw attention to himself. Unfortunately, stats also show if one does comply the result is most often tragic. Be vigilante.
It would be better for him to have a mill roll around his neck and be cast into the ocean than face the weeping and nashing of teeth.

God bless her and the family with peace.

Like the shepards, keep watch over your flocks. There have always been wolves out there. We just need to stay up to date on how to recognize them.

Have faith!
This has been on my mind a lot since they started showing footage of the abduction. Trper, your advice is what needs to be heard. Who knows maybe this young girl will be responsible for saving lives in the future because of the video taken and the coverage of this tragedy.

As for the sick sick killer, I am sure; in the end he'll have his just reward.

I will say this; I fear the rage that would follow if something like this happed to one of my family.
i bet it wont be long before he gets a proper jail house wedding from the looks of it someone will him there wife. to bad i would hate to have that happen to me or a family member i would lose all self control and i dont know what i would do. my sympathies to the little girls family.

the moose
If you live in a metropolitan area or even a small town it might be worth your time to check with your local law enforcement to see if there are any registered sex offenders livng in your area or small town. You might be suprised at who is living down the street. Our sex offender registry people have a hard time keeping up with the ones that are let out of prison. Kinda scary!
You know whats really sad, last week we released a sex offender from jail who was with us for nearly 10 short months. Why is it that these pedophiles continue to get such a short amount of time in jail. And to top it off he isn't even on the Sex offender website and this isn't his first offense either. He also has not gone to prison for these offenses.
Great post trpr. Sad indeed, but something we, as parents, have to face up to and educate our children as you mentioned. So many parents take it too lightly. My wife and I are constantly amazed at some of the neighbor kids in our area who show up from 5 blocks away on a bicycle and they are so, so young. Some are barely out of the training wheels stage and no parent is around to supervise. We've even called the parents a couple times and they gotted pi--ed off at us! I just don't get it sometimes. Better be safe than sorry.
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