Watery Blood

What kind of hit does this mean?? A buddy of mine hit a buck last night. He thought he hit it mid way back. It wasn't a gut shot. The arrow only went in about a third of the way. The blood started out bright red. Followed it about 200 yds, and quit. Looked watery towards the end. Any help would be great.

Couple more questions.....

Any air bubbles in the blood?

Any sign of green/brown slime?

Bright red or dark red?

Any hair at the site of the shot? What did it look like?

Did you recover the arrow? What did it look like?

Did you run out of blood or just decide to "Back out?"
1 tiny air bubble in one of the spots, but no where else.

bright red blood

arrow had blood on first third and that's it

No slime - it wasn't a gut shot

We lost the blood after it crossed a creek and went up a steep bank. We looked for another half hour after that, going lots of directions, but didn't find any more blood.

They went out this morning to look again.
Kind of stumped here.....

Bright red and watery blood can be present with any muscle tissue hit....neck, leg, ham, brisket.

If it is a lung shot, it sounds like the lack of an exit hole is the reason the blood petered out.

Sorry I can't be of more help...good luck.
How was the deer positioned when he shot, quartering away from him or broadside? The reason I ask is I would have thought he would have had a complete pass thru unless it hit the shoulder on the other side. Just trying to find out more info.
i hit a doe a year ago, arrow passed through, but was extremly watery. almost clear/light pink liquid. pretty sure it was a center of body mass shot. it ran into standing corn and was never found. i assumed it was a intestine shot
A buddy of mine did the same thing this year with a doe. The arrow was a complete pass through and even looked like a good shot at almost dark. She ran into a corn field and we never found her. Tracked her for 500 yards or so, she would run straight for awhile and then cut down a row. Blood on the arrow was light pink and watery. The only thing we can think of was a low shot, probably a muscle wound. But we started out with a really good trail. Our grandpa looked for it when he combined but never found it. Maybe the shot was low or high and got mostly a flesh wound? Chances are if he's dead on your land someone should find him! Good luck man.