Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Weasel whacks an old warrior

Limb Chicken

Active Member
I have never seen an uglier, nasty looking bird than the one Weasel shot this morning. It started yesterday when I informed Weasel he may be flying solo as I was battling the flu. I made one final call to him at around 7 and said if I am there great but don't plan on me. Well no virus was going to keep me out of the turkey woods on opening day so at 4 am rolled around and I felt ok so off to the shop. We met headed out to the spot Scott had picked set up the blind decoys and waited. Gobbles in the distance but nothing close. This was strange because there is always a bird or two in this area. Well with our calls silent we sat. With a flapping of wings several birds left the directly above us... So much for opening day.
Just as quick, some coons started fighting and a gobble close. I looked out the blind and no more than 60 yards away there he was. It didn't take long and he was at 20 yards. The arrow was on its way and struck the bird and sent him airborn... Great! We had another bird getting closer so we sat tight, I grabbed my bow Scott grabbed the camera and we sat waiting as this other bird gobbled his head off. All this time we are both thinking we needed to get out and look for that bird. Scott had to be at work at 10 so we got out of the blind after we decided that the loudmouth wasn't going to come. So we walked over to where Scott heard him crash and looked around, it wasn't long until I heard Weasel running through the timber and the sound of wings shortly followed. Again, Great. I watched the bird land and quietly got over to where I saw him last and caught the sight of feathers. He was on the other side of a log and I thought he was now expired... Wrong! Up he got and the chase was on. Who you going to bet on the turkey or the guy with the flu...?
After what seemed like a half mile which ended up to be more like 100 yards the bird finally got caught up in some brush so I could get a hold of him... Weasel came in short time to dispatch him with a stick. So as the boys from Double Bull say "Knock em down with an arrow and kill em with a big stick" applied to this hunt...

After turning this bird over I was glad I didn't get the business end of him. His knees were swollen, big hooks and had a big old knot on his head (besides the one Scott put on it). I don't think I have ever seen an older turkey. I then went home and slept until about an hour ago but I was glad I got my butt out of bed for another great hunt...

I don't know if Weasel will add anything to this story but I figured if we waited for him to post it could be deer season.

1.375 = 72.75


Congrats Weasel!

I would like to see the video of you guys chasing that bird through the woods. That would be some entertainment!

Congrats again.
way to go fellas, keep it up and the rest of us arent going to be able to catch up.....
COngrats and loved the story!!!!!
Limb said it all. I don't know if it was an old turkey, or one with the serious flu. He was ugly, and seemed to have trouble moving. I am talking about the turkey not Limb, but an arrow a little off the mark woke him up! Sick or old I'll take a bird that size anyday!
He was ugly, and seemed to have trouble moving. I am talking about the turkey not Limb

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You sure are getting your excercise this year!

Big ole bird...way cool!
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