Weather app for wind??


I know this has been discussed but I can't find the thread... Looking for a good weather app that shows the winds! Thanks in advance!
Kcrg weather for android anyway. Love it. Plus ya ariel views of all your hunting ground. It has become more of a hunting app for me than a weather app.
X2 on scoutlook weather. Have it on my phone and computer. Check it all the time. It also has aerial maps and you can program all your stand locations so you can check current and future predicted wind directions.
X3 on scoutlook. I only have the free version. But if you can deal with the ads, it works great! You can also "pin" your stand locations!
Looks like I will need to check out ScoutLook. Up until now I have used Intellicast. Its purely a weather app, but does have wind directions and wind forecasts.
I started using Scoutlook with Mossy Oaks app. I had used Weatherunderground, but found out the last few times that their wind directions were completely wrong. Almost didn't go out last Saturday, but checked Scoutlook and then just walked outside. :) Duh.
Scoutlook!!! You can program your stand locations and it is also great for waterfowl hunters. It will show you how the birds will approach your decoys based on the wind.
An example of scoutlook. I like how you can push the forward button and visually see what wind is doing each hour. Faster than reading it. I just picked some random point in a timber in this pic.

I also use scoutlook, or (other name)deer log, i like that you can set stands and get hourly winds for them!
I don't get a strong enough signal on my smartphone to use any apps that require data connection.

I can get text messages in some spots so I use the messaging service from Text "CURR 50213" (the zip code of the nearest city; I don't know their coverage for the smaller towns in Iowa; I use Osceola 50213) to the number 42278. You will then receive a text that gives Time, Temperature, Percent Humidity and wind direction and speed.

Be careful about charges though. The Weather Channel has deals with some carriers that the texts are free (mine has been free through Verizon), but I think that some might charge $0.75 per text.

Note added: lately the text messaging site has not been working; no idea why.
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