weed control in clover plots?


I was wondering if anyone has used a granular type herbacide for killing grass, etc. in clover food plots (or if they are available). I don't always have access to spraying equipment and it would be nice to be able to take out the old "whirly gig" out and spread some herbicide and fertalizer without having to spend an arm and a leg on fuel.
Your only choice is to spray over the top. Once grass emerges that is the only way to control it. There are many options for chemicals such as Post, Fusion and so on. But spraying it is the only way to get any control at all.
Spraying is certainly an option but mowing is another viable option for weed control - albeit perhaps not as 'thorough' as spray. Mowing also has the benefit of promoting thicker plant growth and creates new growth that deer like to browse. It will consume fuel though....