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Weird Cam Problem freaky

The same thing happened to me! I thought might be the batterys new ones didnt work either. Sent it back to cabelas and I should be getting the new one tomorrow. They didnt ask any questions i just said it stopped working and they said send it back and we'll send you a new one. I think lightning did it, but its weird that it happened to more than one of us at the same time.??
Guess it was the heat by the sounds of it. That really sucks because the dog days of summer are when we really need those cameras to work. If I can't rely on a product to take some heat I need to find a better one. WOuld like to know what cameras did well in this heat without missing a beat. Called cuddeback and waited for 5 min with no response. Got tired of waiting.
Call customer service. For the price of the cuddiebacks they should be good for years.....

Good luck with that. We had 14 cuddebacks, half no flash and other half flash camera's, that went out all within a year, and cuddebacks response was, "I'm sorry for your luck, you should try our new camera's, people are having great luck with them." Let me remind you that the no flash cam's were 450 bucks a piece.

I'm with blaster on this one. I gave up on the high dollar camera's after last year. I got a reconyx, and it only worked for a week. Their customer service is GREAT, but I opted just to take it back to the store, and get a whole bunch of the moultrie D-55 series camera's. So far, I have had nothing but great luck with them.
I'm a bit stunned by this.....I had the same thing happen to 2 of my cameras on the same farm right around the same time. I switched them out & came back 2 weeks later (last Sunday) & one of those was fried too and it had even cooled down when the 2nd one died.
Something strange is afoot in Iowa! :rolleyes:
Call customer service. For the price of the cuddiebacks they should be good for years.....

Ya, I needed sarcasim font there. I have always felt Cuddies were way overpriced. Used to compare pics of my first cam, a stealth cam against my buddies cuddie, never saw a difference at all worth the $. People claim the trigger speed is so much better, most of the guys I know are using corn or mineral or something anyway, so I don't see the need. JMO
Did you get one of these on your cams? could be the reason all these trail cams are goin out....


Not that picture again...I wonder what it was that tripped our trail cams and made them go to pot?
There were some alerts sent out to the electric grid on possible outages this month from magnetic storms coming through from eruptions on the sun. Can't remember what dates? Wondering if that could cause boards to go haywire?
that does really suck about all these cameras going out during the hear wave. I had 1 cam out from july 28 thru aug 18th and had no problems at all, it was a moultrie. and i had another out that was a primos and no problems with that one either.
Im glad I bought the trail cams I did for the price. Just got into it more this year. I have the wildgame ones from wally world. Only paid 20 bucks apiece. now I have 8. Also have a couple of other brands.
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