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Weird experience this morning

SO my partner and I set up this am for the first time in this new field we got permission to hunt. Three toms fly down in field about 200 yards out. Gobble their heads off but won't move off their post, won't investigate our calls our our moving decoy ( which has been money this year!) this goes on for an hour or so next thing you know we look behind us and we have 2 other Tommy's working their way toward us about 100 yards out. As soon as these birds appear our toms all work their way toward these new birds and cut em off from coming in. So now 5 toms are strutting checkin each other out about 70 yards out. We feeling pretty good that eventually they will investigate our tommy. ps we hunting with our bows in a blind, been having a heck of a time sealing the deal w a bow. So this goes on for about ten minutes then out of now were 5 jakes fly into the field and start fighting the toms and run the toms out of the field!!! Afterword they see our decoy then run over and try picking a fight with it too! Unbelievable! Has anyone ever seen anything like this? First off there were no hens inn the field so I find it hard to believe not one Tom was interested in us, better that they seemed to be grouping up? Then, a group of Jakes runs them off for no apparent reason? What the heck? Give me some feed back if y'all got any insight on something like this, seems awfully weird to me. Pss this property has little or no hunting pressure (except me : ) I know the area well, I typically hunt across the river but recently gained access to this field which was a bonus. It has been great hunting all year. Let me know what ya think..... Thanks
Weird. Sounds like your hunting the farm I hunt lol. We have a group of 3 toms that wont come in for nothing. There is a group of 2 toms the three toms chase and then there is 8 jakes that run all over the place causing a ruckus. Usually they are in groups of 4. I think a 22-250 is the best bet here lol.
Jakes are evil raptors. I can't count how many times this season, a group of 5, I have, came out, chased the older toms away, and molested my decoys. Sunday I am gonna have my son arrow one, to make a new decoy.
Would put money on those strutters in the field being timid 2 yr olds who have probably had buddies of theirs get shot at, which seems to be the case this late in the game. Good buddy of mine is having the same thing happen except we believe him to be the boss tom who has been educated by the best. Groups of what were 2-3 birds are now down to one and that loner is albert eistein smart. I'd say try the fan spot and stalk tactic but that would be pretty tough with a bow. Maybe try patterning them in the field and just set up closer to their fly down/strutting zone without any decoys. Personally I think its hit miss with decoys come the last week. Could find that smoking hot bird who comes running or hear zero gobbles.
In our flock, the group of 3 are 2 year olds. The group of 2 appears to be a and a dinosaur. I want the dinosaur so bad it isn't even funny. Giant bird but wont stand his ground. I bought a dsd strutter to see how that works. This area has a ton of pressurr though. They have seen it all.
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Ya I have had a lot of luck the the fan trick. In fact I shot three times at a Tom the other night with my how and missed every time! Embarrassing I know. But he was moving in and out I could get the yardage right between 20-40 yards..... But I think that is what we will stick with for now. It hasn't let us down once this year.
Turkeys are strange creatures. They are hard to figure out and do the randomest things. As far as age classes and birds being agressive, some of the most aggressive birds I have shot were 2 year olds.
Don't try to figure them out, just hunt them. They are stupid and random animals for the most part.

On another note......anyone want to place a bet on how soon somebody performing that fan trick recieves a load of #6's?
I honestly don't feel like that fan trick is all that dangerous. Though I usually do it in the middle of a field and private property. Which is probably why I feel comfortable. That and I always think, if some random person saw me doing this right now they would probably think I was an idiot. I can defiantly see the dangers of creepin around public woods with a fan strapped to your head.
Had a jake second season chasing hens all around like 1 1/2 year old buck.

He even went up to two toms and they just stood there. While he chased

the hens in front of them.

A half hour later he came a little to close chasing another hen around.

I was hunting with a buddy and it was his first time turkey hunting.

I told him to get that bird off of my property. :D
Until this year every tom I've ever called in using a jake decoy shyed away from my setup. Has to be a reason for that. Jakes are mean.

Is it just me or do jakes start to come out more late in the season?
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